Feminists lashing out at 'The Red Pill'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Feminists are in meltdown following the successful funding of The Red Pill, a documentary about the Mens’ Rights Movement by award winning filmmaker Cassie Jaye. How awful!

The documentary’s Kickstarter project was successfully funded last week. Following an article by yours truly, campaign donations surged. The movie sailed through its original goal of $97,000, and now — as icing on the cake — it is likely to exceed the amount raised by Anita Sarkeesian’s Tropes vs Women in Video Games, a series that had the entire weight of the progressive media behind it. Not gonna lie, I am enjoying the spectacle enormously.

Although Jaye is an accomplished filmmaker, with two award-winning documentaries under her belt, she was forced to turn to Kickstarter after her original backers abandoned her.
Feminists aren’t just upset that a fair documentary about the hated men’s rights movement is going to be released. What really terrifies them is Jaye’s own story: she was a feminist who intended to make a “fly-on-the-wall” documentary about activists like Dean Esmay and Paul Elam, in much the same way that she had profiled the U.S abstinence movement.

Instead, she discovered her own beliefs were changing, and now the documentary is about her personal journey as well as the movement itself. Feminists are shocked, angry, and afraid that one of their own could see men’s rights advocates as anything less than pure evil, so they’re doing all they can to ensure that Jaye’s story never reaches a wider audience.

Public mood is shifting, and progressives don’t like it one bit. This undercurrent of panic and disbelief can be seen in many of the comments prominent feminists have made on social media.'

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I've been following this story, for a while now!
This is a good sign, Lads, that we are at least becoming a force to be reckoned with, on at least some level. As a human rights activist, I was heartened by this news.
However, I hope that this film isn't simply released, just to get bashed by feminist, SJW and Progressive critics, and then fade into oblivion. I dearly hope that this is the start of a TREND!
In any case, we have to keep swingin'. This is a poke in the eye to feminists, and it's a wonderful "start", but we gotta keep up the pressure.
...I may consider reopening my website... (^_^)

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