The Number of Male Domestic Abuse Victims Is Shockingly High — So Why Don’t We Hear About Them?

Article here. Excerpt:

'When you think of a victim of domestic abuse, who comes to mind?

If you’re being honest, it’s probably a woman. After all, domestic violence against men isn’t a theme of many Hollywood movies.

Yet in 2010, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released data from its National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey — and one of the most shocking statistics wasn’t just the sheer total of victims of physical violence but also how those numbers broke down by gender.

According to the CDC’s statistics — estimates based on more than 18,000 telephone-survey responses in the United States — roughly 5,365,000 men had been victims of intimate partner physical violence in the previous 12 months, compared with 4,741,000 women. By the study’s definition, physical violence includes slapping, pushing, and shoving.
Ivankovich says there isn’t much buzz about these numbers or their implications, because we don’t know how to handle intimate partner violence against men. “Society supports that men should not hit women, by virtue — but the same is not true for the reverse,” she explains. “The fact is, it’s simply not acceptable to hit anyone.”

Yet, woman-on-man violence is often turned into onscreen amusement, like on a slew of reality shows — or the punch line of a larger, depressing narrative, says Anne P. Mitchell, a retired professor of family law at Lincoln Law School of San Jose (Calif.) and one of the first fathers’-rights lawyers in the country.'

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and immediately came here to see if anybody else had. its one of the best I have seen about the subject of male victims of i.p.v. the comment section had many victims telling the truth about our broken 'family court' system. now there's an oxymoron to beat them all. looks like people are starting to wake up and see what terrible damage the lawyer class, partnered w/ feminism has done to men and children. too late for many us, but its never too late to start exposing the creeping, vulgar and oft violent marxism that has devastated our courts and our country.

thanks mastodon.

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