Before you complain about 'patriarchy'
Article here. Excerpt:
'So last week, gay conservative writer Milo Yiannopoulos declared October 18 ”World Patriarchy Day.”
Yiannopoulos wrote: “Feminists like to claim that there is a sinister cultural phenomenon known as the ‘patriarchy,’ through which all men, especially if they are white, contribute to a set of values and social norms that marginalise and exclude women. What a load of old (bull). I honestly can’t believe people fall for this rubbish. So, in an attempt to redress the imbalance between fact and fantasy, World Patriarchy Day is the day on which you should feel free to express your masculinity in the most odiously toxic manner imaginable.”
But it led Rachel Edwards to write a thoughtful piece noting that there isn’t actually a patriarchy, at least not in the West, where one hears the most complaints. “Feminism can only exist in the kinds of countries that are doing so well that they don’t have to consider eating rats for much needed sustenance. It can only exist in a place with enough human rights to care that you as a woman are a little upset. Feminism can only exist in countries where women can be smart enough to understand the concept of oppression, yet stupid and coddled enough to believe that such words describe the country that they live in. In fact, a country has to care about women, period, for feminism to even be a thing.”'
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Oh, Pooh! I can't participate
Oh, Pooh! I can't participate in World Patriarchy Day! :((
I'm not a man, and I am not masculine, in the least, so I rather suppose, I'll have to just route for the team from the bench! Lol...! (^_^)
Incidentally, being that I am an ex feminist (God help me...!) I can tell you what feminists mean when they say "Patriarchy". Whenever feminists say "Patriarchy", what they really means is "Capitalism"!
The more you know *rainbow-star* (^_^)
There really is a group called The Patriarchy
But there really is a group called "The Patriarchy" and they have a Twitter feed called Patriarchy Central where some guy in a robe wearing a fez tweets out edicts to the men of the world about their privileges and their meetings where they drink root beer and make the rules.
Starting already
Read it and weep.
The unwillingness of feminists and their gov't pals to confront the spread of multiple parallel legal and social standards arising from Islamic legal tradition is already showing itself. Alas, demographics is destiny. With Muslim women, for whatever reasons, out-reproducing non-Muslim women in western countries by in some cases literally an order of magnitude, it won't be more then 3 generations before nations with significant Muslim poplulatons will have the necessary numbers at the polls to elect pro-Sharia or Sharia-friendly ppl to public office.
In the UK, it's already started. As for Canada and the US, unless it is actively and aggressively resisted, it'll happen here, too. Not only feminism will be a footnote in a textbook somewhere, but so will liberal western political thought that champions the rights of the individual and freedom from gov't interference with fundamentally personal choices, such as the freedom to assemble, to worship as one sees fit (or not at all), etc.
Supporters of the western liberal tradition can't afford to sit by passively and do nothing, believing it'll all just blow by. Unless ppl get active to secure western liberal thought-in-action in their countries, they can count on their great-grand-daughters h@ving to keep their hair covered (at least) and be subject to arranged "marriages" at age 14 or less. As for their male descendants, they'll be forced into being Muslim or face at best being fined for life and at worst, persecution possibly leading to death.
Maybe this is the one thing MRAs and feminists can actually find common cause on, if feminists can get their blinders off enough to look past the row of opponents before them to see the veritable army of enemies in the distance closing in on them. Seriously, Rome is burning while the West fiddles.
Excellent points, Matt
I'm not as anti-Muslim as some, but I also didn't want my daughters growing up in Muslim country thinking their behavior was normal. Muslims are out-reproducing us and it will soon show up in the polls. We had a saying about Muslim democracies: one man, one vote, one time. With enough votes, the country turns to Shari'a law, not democracy.
And you're right about something in common. I don't like the way women are treated in Muslim countries. I don't like the feminists, but women in Muslim countries are denied rights they should have.
It's about Sharia
Just to be clear, it isn't about Islam or Muslims, it's about Sharia. There exist majority-Muslim nations that do not have Sharia as their legal system (e.g.: Turkey). However the chances of Sharia becoming the law of the land go up as the percentage of voters who are Muslim goes up.
It's the same phenom as with circumcision and the pop'n in question being Jewish, Muslim, or Coptic Christian. These pop'ns' religious belief systems are either pro-circ or circ-sympathetic, so circ'n is much more likely to be practiced among them than pop'ns that do not have such religions heavily-represented.
The thing to remember I feel is that any belief or practice system can be altered to fit a different standard here and there. I.e., no rsn to throw the baby out w/ the bathwater. In the case of circ'n, these religious systs. need merely change their practice re circ'n, keeping the ritual but foregoing the actual cutting, and the damage is avoided. Similarly, a Muslim pop'n foregoing Sharia in the name of human rights is not giving up Islam; they are just not implementing Shariah. That's the idea. However if the type of Islam being introduced to a nation also requires that Sharia be implemented ASAP, then that's a kind that is fundamentally irreconcilable w/ western liberal thought. Whether America finds itself in the hands of that kind of Islam in 100 or so years remains to be seen.