Feds Have Spent More on Origami Condoms, Fat Lesbian Studies Than on Benghazi Committee

Story here. Excerpt:

'The amount of taxpayer funding that has gone toward the investigation into the terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, is less than the amount the federal government has invested in “Origami condoms” and studies on why lesbians are obese.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) gave$2,466,482 to Daniel Resnic to develop three versions of the Origami condom, including the “first of its kind” anal condom. Resnic was later accused of wasting the money on full-body plastic surgery, trips to Costa Rica, parties at the Playboy mansion, and patents for inventions such as “rounded corners.”

The NIH has also given $3,531,925 to researchers to determine why lesbians are obese and gay men are not. Results have included: gay men have a “greater desire for toned muscles” than straight men, lesbians have low “athletic self-esteem,” and young men think about their muscles.'

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Real-life gay men tend to be fit and obviously take care of themselves. They also have an excellent sense of fashion.

Real-life lesbians tend to be androgynous, overweight, and have little fashion sense. There are exceptions, of course, but that's what I usually see. Most don't look like Ellen Degeneres or Jodi Foster.

And I know they don't have much fashion sense because I don't have much fashion sense. That's the problem--they dress too much like me. So, now you know--I dress like a lesbian. :)

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