Toxic masculinity is tearing us apart: Christopher Harper-Mercer, 4chan and the fragility of America’s alpha male

Article here. Excerpt:

'The state of being a man is a compilation of external influences that ultimately define whether someone is a “real” man or not.Guns, sex, and money serve as a sort of holy trinity for traditional masculinity, the tropes by which a supposedly true man is known. When it’s stripped down to its toxic core, “what is a man” ends up being defined by how many chicks he can bang, how much ass he can kick, and how much money and “status” he has. Among the people most obsessed with traditional masculinity—your men’s rights advocates, your Red Pill enthusiasts, your incels—you’ll hear about “alpha” and “beta” males. Alphas presumably rank higher on the violence, sex and status trinity, lording their inherent superiority over their lesser, beta brothers.
We need to recognize just how damaging it is to sell the idea of men at their worst—brutish, violent and barely in control of themselves—is the only way to be a “real” man. We’ve stuck ourselves with a toxic idea of masculinity where you continually have to prove you’re a man—being willing to hurt others in order to do so—instead of manhood being something inherent. We need to recognize, accept, and even celebrate the wide variety of masculinity—from virgins to playboys, asexuals to satyrs, from macho to femme, cis men and trans men, gay and straight and everything in between.'

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He lists MRAs as being "obsessed" w/ "traditional masculinity". On the contrary, it's been my experience that MRAs seek to eliminate the confines of trad'l and/or toxic masciline gender roles/stereotypes precisely b/c they lead to men becoming a means to an end for women, becoming depressed over not meeting impossible standards, etc.

The author ought to get out and actually talk to MRAs before painting them bad.

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One thing I've realized is that the gender debate is not about reality--what really happens.

It's all about which fairy tales we're willing to believe. The One True fairy tale is that women are always wonderful or a victim without any responsibility for what happened. The other fairy tale is that men are never wonderful and are always to blame for whatever happened.

Even this guy engages in fairy tales about men. He never bothers to look at what men actually do or what women actually do. If men do something good--such as saving the life of a stranger--he ignores it. Likewise, if women do something bad--such as lying about being raped--he ignores it.

It ain't about the truth. It's about which fairy tale, which narrative, which myth we're willing to believe. In today's feminist world, that narrative must always show women in a good light and men in a bad light.

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