UK: Feminist conference melts down due to internecene conflict

Article here. Excerpt:

'Feminism in London (FiL), one of the largest feminist conferences in the UK, has seen two major speakers pull out because of “ideological totalitarianism” and “sectarian” “warring feminist factions,” who fell out over an attempt to “no-platform” certain speakers who were “unsafe” because everyone did not agree with them on everything.

It all started when male-to-female transgendered feminist campaigner, and proponent of so-called ‘safe spaces,’ Jane Fae was uninvited or “no-platformed” form the feminist conference, which is due to start of the 24th of this month.

“It would have been grotesque for me to have been on a platform talking about the need for safe spaces, whilst the question of me being unsafe was on the agenda,” saidFae on BBC Radio 4.

She claimed that the problem was endemic to the Left generally: “This is not just about feminism. This is a sort of absolutism in politics today, and it happens within feminism, it happens in the trans community, it happens in the Greens, with the Cobynistas; which is, you have to toe a party line.”
The culture of offence taking and viewing debate as “trauma” is evidenced on the conference’s website. In their Frequently Asked Questions section, it is asked: “I am worried I will be triggered by the content of the workshops?” The answer: “We have quiet rooms set aside and listeners in the ‘Green Rooms’ area.”

Iain Dale described the episode as “a terrible combination of managerial impotence, financial caution and political timidity,” on'

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... which is why they're solitary animals. However somehow, h@ving even just one nearby is enough to stink a place up to high heaven. Feminists are a lot like skunks: only takes one to make life for everyone else unpleasant.

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