The unilateral war on college men
Article here. Excerpt:
'It appears to many — including me — as if the Obama administration is engaged in a war on college men. Using debunked statistics, the president, the vice president and various other political officials have falsely claimed that there’s an epidemic of rape on college campuses, even though campus rape is, in fact, falling, just as off-campus rape is. (And, in fact, rape is less common on campus than off).
And, ever since the Department of Education issued a ”Dear Colleague" letter to universities in 2011, in essence ordering them to adopt new and draconian campus “sexual assault” rules that treataccusations as presumptively true and force the accused — almost always men — to prove their innocence, sometimes even very strong evidence of innocence is ignored.
Spearheading this effort has been Assistant Secretary of Education for Civil Rights Catherine Lhamon, who has characterized the letter as binding on colleges and universities even though it is not a law, was not adopted as a formal or informal rule making after notice and comment under any law, and appears to have very little to do with the federal anti-discrimination law Title IX, which says only that “no person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance."'
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The goal is "man-free" colleges
Obama is a feminist. What feminists want is men GONE from higher ed. This will naturally lead to a decline in men's economic status overall w/ an attendant disempowerment of men across society. Education, esp. useful ed'n, has always been key to economic well-being for individuals and classes thereof. The strategy of feminists to empower women largely rests on disempowering men. Power is, contrary to feminist propaganda, a zero sum game. By reducing men educationally and promoting women likewise, their hope is to put women as a class categorically in the economic, social, and political driver's seats.
Feminism is about power and gaining same over men. It is not and never has been about equality.