Cyberspace misogyny exaggerated
Article here. Excerpt:
'If you believe the numerous reports on cyberspace misogyny that have appeared in the past couple of years, merely being female on the Internet—whether you’re a politician, a journalist, or just a random woman with the temerity to have an opinion—is enough to make you a target for constant sexist insults, vile harassment, and even threats of rape and murder.
Certainly, one can point to alarming cases of targeted abuse directed at women, from the rape and death threats sent to British journalist Carolyn Criado-Perez after she campaigned to put Jane Austen on a banknote to American feminist writer Amanda Hess’s account of being targeted by a persistent stalker.
But men are hardly immune to such cyber-warfare. Lee Stranahan, a reporter for the American right-wing website Breitbart News, has received death and rape threats directed at himself and his family—which included his home address and phone number being posted online—and has also been the target of phony reports of child abuse.
British videogame critic John Bain (known by the alias TotalBiscuit) has shared a troubling account of being deluged with abusive messages, many wishing him death from cancer, while undergoing chemotherapy.'
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Actually, I did a little experiment, about 2 months ago.
I made an alternate account posing as a male, and went to different chats, blogs, Youtube, etc. (I won't divulge the name of my alt. account, in case I want to do this again). At any rate, When I went into these places as myself (female) I did get some abusive words. But they were from both (alleged) male and (alleged) female, commentators and/or posters. I did get threats of "rape", frankly, but that was about it. I also was told by some (alleged) MGTOWs that I am subhuman (simply for being female)and a "Parasite". And 2 death threats. But that's as bad as it got.
However, I then went into these places as my alter-ego (the male one), and got it 5 times as bad. In fact, when I spoke out for men's rights, as my "male" alt account, I was seized upon by feminists and manginas, like you wouldn't believe.
There were tons of threats to have me "castrated", "murdered", "beaten up", My "house burned down", threats to "contact my employer and get me fired", threats to my family members and on and on. It was actually a bit frightening.
So, yes, I would say from my own personal experience (I did this for a solid 2 weeks), It is actually MEN not women that receive the most and the worst online threats.
Admittedly, this was an "unscientific" experiment, but still..., WOW!
Funny, how feminists complain about others, doing the exact same thing THEY, themselves do, isn't it?