Hateful columnist proposes concentration camps for all men
Article here. We keep hearing from feminists that feminists do not hate men and that feminism is not about misandry. This article, from my home country in the U.K., does little to convince me to the contrary. We keep hearing over and over from feminists that they don't hate men. Yet, we keep hearing over and over from feminists how much they hate men. Excerpt:
'In the feminist world, Bindel’s views are far from isolated and she’s just the latest in a long line of high profile feminists to propose either imprisoning all men or even eliminating or exterminating all or the vast majority of the male population. Bindel’s fellow travellers in this regard include author of the “Scum Manifesto” Valerie Solanas, “academic” Mary Daly (for whom Bindel wrote a glowing obituary) and also Sally Miller Gearhart, an author who also worked at San Francisco State University. Nor is this an isolated incident in terms of Bindel’s behaviour, for example in 2006 she wrote a Guardian column titled “Why I hate men” and her writing regularly attacks men as a whole falsely paints violence and abuse as gendered, something done by men to women, rather than by people to other people.
More recently, feminist hatred of men has made the news with incidents involving Bahar Mustafa at Goldsmiths’ University and Lib Dem Executive Committee member Sarah Noble at the NUS Conference (a story broken exclusively by HEqual). it’s interesting that the one common theme that almost every piece of feminist hate is the involvement of the higher education system. Mustapha is the Diversity Officer at Goldsmith’s Students Union who banned white men from events and called for their death on Twitter. Noble’s misandry came to light due to her calls to “ban men from society” at the NUS Women’s Conference, with her Twitter acocunt also littered with misandrist hate speech and she’s since started a new job at the NUS too! Daly was a professor at Boston College who didn’t just want men to be reduced to 10% of the population, she infamously kicked male students out of her classes too!Gearhart worked at a University for decades too and therefore it’s little surprise to see that Bindel is a research fellow at Lincoln University and has previously held a position at bth Leeds and Brunel Universities too. Numerous other feminist extremists also work in institutions in places such as the North east and in Bristol with others exposed in a leak of info from the Rad Fem Hub website. It’s little wonder we have such a huge gender education gap when so many universities are hotbeds of unopposed gender hatred.'
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What amazes me
Is the number of men who still suck up to feminists.
Feminists kill their unborn children and would like to kill men--yet they're considered to be "progressive." They're doing their best to make sure all men are treated as potential criminals who have no place in the human family. Or reduced to ten percent of the population. Or put in concentration camps.
But still a lot of men suck up to feminists.
In every group of ppl...
... there are idiots. Male feminists are a subset of idiots among the entire set of idiots that are a subset of the set of men.
Likewise among women: Women has subset of idiots has a subset of feminists.
Not all idiots are feminists but all feminists are idiots. Women a bit more understandably, but men? Male feminists? I'd go so far as to typify them as turbo-idiots. Again, more set theory... :)
If the shoe fits...
And they wonder why people call them FemiNAZIS.