Intelligent machines: Call for a ban on robots designed as sex toys

Article here. As predictable as snow in New England! Excerpt:

'A campaign has been launched calling for a ban on the development of robots that can be used for sex.

Such a use of the technology is unnecessary and undesirable, said campaign leader Dr Kathleen Richardson.

Sex dolls already on the market are becoming more sophisticated and some are now hoping to build artificial intelligence into their products.

Those working in the field say that there is a need for such robots.

Dr Richardson, a robot ethicist at De Montfort University in Leicester, wants to raise awareness of the issue and persuade those developing sex robots to rethink how their technology is used.'

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... hetero men no longer be dependent on human females for sexual companionship and thus no longer need to put up with all manner of inequities: paying for almost everything (dates, etc.), getting shafted in divorce court, etc.

The woman leading the charge isn't stupid. She sees the implications and it has her $hitting her pants. One day, she'll lose sexual power over men -- and then what?! Chaos! Madness! She'll have to buy her own dinners now! Arghh!

Good luck w/ your campaign, doc. Where there's a will, there's a way. Prohibition was an abject failure. Think how much more a move to prohibit men's sexual liberation using modern tech'y will fail dismally.

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If as in the California trend, men are no longer legally considered fathers, or husbands, but instead are just considered sperm donors and partners, then why shouldn't men have the option to opt out of "wives" in favor of robotic sex? At least a sex robot would never sue them for alimony or spousal support. :-/

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As with ancient Roman property law, the law so much favored men (at marriage, any property the woman owned became her new husband's) that women were actively discouraged from permanent relationships w/ men, opting only to cohabitate rather than marry. These laws contributed greatly to the rapid decline in numbers among the landed classes, leaving the Imperial bureacracy and army officer ranks short of educated men to fulfill critical governance and military duties.

Same thing is happening here, but w/ the sexes reversed, and a different overall scenario at play.

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