Is it now sexist to put your arm around your girlfriend's shoulder?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Just when you thought the everyday etiquette of how men are expected to integrate with women couldn’t get any more confusing, Dame Helen Mirren has announced, of all things, that cuddling is sexist.

Speaking yesterday to the Mail On Sunday’s You magazine, Mirren, 70, said: “It annoys me when I see men with an arm slung around their girlfriend’s shoulders. It’s like ownership. Of course, when you’re young, you want the guy to take your hand and look after you.

“But when I see girls being leaned on, I want to say, ‘tell him to get his damned arm off your shoulder’.”

Now, regular readers will know I collect “sexism is everywhere!” stories like a sheep attracts ticks. I try not to, but I just can’t seem to stop picking them up. But even I didn’t see “teenage cuddling: it’s a tool of the patriarchy!” coming.'

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... how glad I am not to know "Dame Helen Mirren" or the other woe-is-me multimillionaire elder (or younger) actresses and other pop figures that spout such utter claptrap and complain about how hard their lives are.

Good grief. Wish they'd all just move to an island someplace and not bother the rest if us anymore with their idiocy.

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Women think they are the authority when it comes to relationships. It is up to men to go their own way, and do what they feel and think is appropriate under the circumstances. Women are not any more of the authority than men are. And this woman has life circumstances that are far removed from most men and women, and so the validity of her comments should be still more discounted.

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She sees it as "ownership" while others see it as a sign of affection. We are all entitled to our own interpretations of physical touch, but we can't force our interpretations onto other people. I feel sorry for her. How would anyone express affection towards her, as it seems she has unusual interpretations.

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