Are men who major in business expressing an unhealthy masculinity?
Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2015-09-12 13:50
Article here. Excerpt:
'Are you a man who majored in business because it interested you or because you felt it would lead to a great career? That may be an unhealthy form of masculinity, according to a series of seminars coming next week from the Vanderbilt University Women's Center.
Yes, you read that correctly: A women's center seems to be telling men how they should and should not behave. Imagine the outrage if a male-dominated group attempted to tell women how they should and should not behave. You don't have to imagine, just remember all the anger that comes whenever a man speaks up about abortion. (Well, this actually happens only to the men who don't agree with feminists on abortion.)'
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In what way is masculinity unhealthy?
Is femininity unhealthy?
I am sick of dumb statements like this.
Of course masculinity isn't unhealthy. Where do they get this bollocks...?
Another Comparison
Apart from reversing the genders, imagine this same scenario with different races.
Let's imagine that a university decided to let a group of all white students let non-white students explore healthy ways to express their race.
Thankfully, this idea would never see the light of day. But I don't see how it's much different than what Vanderbilt is doing, h@ving a group of women tell men what acceptable behaviour is. It's patronizing and ultimately a form of hate speech.