Male Control Theory

Article here. Excerpt:

'Feminist scholarship leaves a lot to be desired. Feminists often provide statistics that cannot be sourced, perform highly biased studies with major flaws, and shame men into giving in to feminist demands even after their prevarications have been exposed.

Male Control Theory is a feminist theory that contends that the male patriarchy motivates men to try to control women, and to use violence if necessary. This theory appears to be the basis of many feminist legal and ideological arguments. For example, it is the feminist basis of men’s domestic violence against women, and states that most female-on-male violence is defensive in nature. This theory has been used to institute policies that blame and punish men for domestic violence.

Evidence has been mounting that this theory is pure crap. A study led by Elizabeth Bates provides such evidence. This study found that women are more likely to be physically and verbally aggressive against their partners than men are, and that women are more likely to seek control over their partners. The study also found that defensive violence was more likely to be used by men than women. Chivalry tends to reduce mens’ tendency to be violent against women, while it simultaneously contributes to increasing women’s violence against men, since women understand that men are reluctant to hit back. This study found that the basis of domestic violence is not mens’ need to control, but a violent personality, which can be found equally well in men and women. The study noted that earlier studies promoting Male Control Theory in domestic violence suffered from selection bias, since many only studied women in women’s shelters. There are many other studies confirming Bates’ results against Male Control Theory. Once again, we have faulty science performed by feminists and then used for decades by feminists to promote counterproductive and male-oppressive policies. There are many feminist campaigns of hate against men.'

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It never ceases to amaze me how some people feel free to stereotype all men under the label of "Patriarchy," with all kinds of their imagined prejudices and false accusations, then claim they are enlightened, egalitarian, humanistic, etc., when in reality they are merely bigoted members of a hate movement that witch-hunts all males. :-/ as shown in
Witch-Hunting Males at Youtube.

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Who'd a thunk it?

The feminist movements against DV and rape are simply ways women control men. They use the same techniques: they broaden the definition of each until all men are guilty in some way. Or men are guilty because they don't prevent. Or men are guilty just because they're men. The more "guilty" men are, the more society is justified in treating men badly and the more control women have.

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