Why should ‘manspreading’ be just for men?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Yesterday, the term “manspreading” was added to the online Oxford Dictionary. It made the news and I felt surprisingly pissed off about it. On the way to work, I counted three women participating in fine examples of “manspreading”. Ever since I was a teenager, it has always irritated me that sitting with your legs open was seen to be the preserve of men. It seemed to be based on the outmoded assumption that women always wear skirts and that even in trousers they should be making themselves small and polite in public spaces. In an admittedly minor rebellion, I started to sit like that too.

Of course, I don’t think anyone should ever stop someone else from sitting on a train because they need space for their own knees, but frankly when there’s room, it’s pretty comfortable to sit with your legs open. Just be good-mannered about it. Then yesterday’s win for the term “manspreading” made me think that even when a man or woman is doing it in an irritating way, when the body language isn’t exactly endearing, the word describing this seated position has become unnecessarily gendered.

There are obviously bigger feminist battles to be fought and I write this very aware of the brilliantly feminist roots of “manspreading” and the need to highlight an action men feel entitled to and women often feel they can’t do. Squishing women on the tube isn’t cool. Other man-prefixed words work the same way.'

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this lefty tra$h will say and do ANYTHING to perpetuate the never ending 'free stuff' victim crapola. just more feminist math. new laws for nothing, based on lies. just more laws to slam men into the ground. that seems to be all they do in wash., tell lies and spend more taxpayer$$$$, mostly for victim's groups. no end in sight, until it all collapses.

ex: 1:4000 is actually 1:4 for congressional purposes. then pass laws based on feminist math. law school must be soooo easy these affirmative action days. makes me fear for my old profession.

90% + participation in the news is really around 10% +/- a few.

ex: 90% + of the guns used in murders along the border quoted by commander zero in speeches was really somewhere around 15%. pro killers don't like our 1 at a time bullets (semiauto). a phone call will get them fully auto whatever they want.that's why when the crooks in wash. found out the real stat they sold guns to the mex drug cartels. bumping up the numbers for an attempted gun grab. (fast & furious). then they covered it all up, took executive privilege to keep rep. issa away from the truth in their emails. transferred and promoted all the players w/in the gov. until all the evidence was gone of what they did to people. thousands probably dead now using those guns. they quit counting too.

ex: 90% + of all climate scientists believe in global warming. yeah, the planet has been slowly warming since the last ice age, except for a short cooling period a few hundred years ago (its in the way you word it). then it started slowly warming again. nuttinu as far as I can see. I might believe 90% of the gov. 'climate scientists' who answer to commander chaos for gov. funding will say whatever they are told to say. I ran the numbers on some accelerated warming they were pushing a few months ago. it came out to about 10' sea level rise per 1,000 years (1'/100 yrs), if you believe their accelerated/extrapolated data, and if the law of diminishing returns doesn't slap you. most (the vast majority) of the last ice age has melted away already. the ice appears fairly constant lately, overall. not enough left and not fast enough.

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Maybe "broad-spreading" should start being used in the same derogatory way "man-spreading" is being thrown around, given the width of some women's backsides and hips.

How about writing tickets on the subway for women who take up more space than a normal person should get. Yea, "hippo thighs," give us men a break. :-/

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"bitch spreading", "Female-space-appropriation", All good.

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. . . manspreading is just more femplaining. I wonder what the reaction would be if men complained about how women sit on transportation systems that were overwhelmingly built and maintained by women?

As far as I'm concerned, if feminists have a problem with how men, and only how men occupy space on the train, while willfully ignoring all the women who take up more space than they need (along with their purses, bags, and baby strollers), then they can build their own damn trains, with their own marxist rules.

If only there were a way to deny feminists resources they take for granted every time they make a trivial and infantile complaint about men. . . feminism would be finito!

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