Obama calls for end to female genital mutilation in Africa while US has highest rates of male circumcision
Article here. Excerpt:
'During President Obama's recent visit to Africa, he urged Kenyans to reconsider their treatment of females as "second-class citizens," who are routinely subjected to violence, sexual assault and forced marriages while being prohibited from obtaining an education or owning property. What caught my attention, however, is Obama's calling for an end to female genital mutilation, in which he stated, "These traditions may date back centuries. They have no place in the 21st century."
My thoughts exactly. Female genital mutilation (FGM), also known as female genital cutting, involves any number of procedures performed on a female's genitals, ranging from a ritual nick to infibulation, the most well-known and horrific form of FGM. What most people don't know, however, is that infibulation, which includes the complete removal of external female genitalia and a suturing of the vaginal opening, occurs in less than 10 percent of all documented cases of FGM, according to the World Health Organization. By far, more common forms of FGM involve a procedure in which only the female foreskin is removed.
Does this sound familiar? It should, because it's the most common surgical procedure performed in the United States without anesthesia, without informed consent, and without any valid medical reason - except that it's routinely performed on baby boys shortly after birth. Most people in the United States would cringe at the thought of anyone comparing any type of FGM to male circumcision. But the reality is that both procedures share much in common.'
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Good to see articles like this
I'm seeing more and more articles which compare male circumcision to female circumcision and show the similarities; as well as point out that FGM is not as extreme as most people think it is (in most cases).
....and to think I voted for this guy...
(but only the 1st time..., not the 2nd)
I beat Kris and Erika
Kris never voted for him.
Erika voted for him once.
Oh yeah? Take this...
I voted for him twice -- I win; I am the most stupid (And I have a Ph.D.)
(What was I thinking?)
Sorry, Thomas, but I can't
Sorry, Thomas, but I can't say I never voted for Obama. I voted for him on his first term because at the time and considering my choices, I thought he was the lesser of two evils.
Oh yeah?
I still beat you: I'm still the bigger idiot. I did vote for him twice.
Hispanic presidential candidates
There are some Hispanic candidates running for president of the United States. Maybe they would be good for the intact movement. There are Marco Rubio (Cuban*), Ted Cruz (Cuban*) and Jeb Bush has a Hispanic connection with his wife being Mexican*.
*referring to their ethnicity not their nationality
not only that...
But whoever is the eventual candidate, the VP choice is really clear.
Governor Martinez of New Mexico
In the past the VP choice probably carried little weight.
But in a gendered election, all bets are off the table.
To: ThomasI
It's OK, We still love you! ^_^
Oh yeah? To: ThomasI
Well, then I'm just as big of an idiot, because not only did I vote for Obama, 1st term, I also campaigned for him.
Top THAT! (~_^)