'Another boy!' Planned Parenthood Medical Assistant picks through body parts
Article here. Excerpt:
'The doctor, the MA, and the “buyer” all observe the contents in the pie plate, joking around about various organs they see. Coming across an intact kidney the doctor determines it’s “good to go” as the MA exclaims, “Five stars!”
The sifting continues. The doctor is curious as to any usefulness the brain might have. Before the “buyer” can answer her question, she eagerly asks, “Do people do stuff with eyeballs?” as an eyeball of a tiny baby is pushed around on the plate.
The doctor and the MA continue to huddle over the plate, noting there are lots of organs available, identifying several by name, as Ginde says: “Here’s a stomach, kidney, heart, adrenal. I don’t know what else is in there. Tiny.” The MA says, “I don’t see any legs. Did you see any legs?”
After searching for a few more moments, she finds the legs she was so eagerly looking for and enthusiastically announces: “And another boy!”
I am at a loss for words.'
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I am pro-life. I am glad
I am pro-life. I am glad this is posted as I see abortion as something which effects both genders and society in general. I am also glad for any negative exposure of Planned Parenthood. But I also assume the MRA population is about 50/50 split on abortion just like the general population, so I am not exactly sure what the MRA perspective is on this article.
The article contains a quote from a medical assistant "another boy!"
Is it that quote that is so concerning? Do MRAs think more male fetuses are aborted compared to female fetuses? (I assumed the medical assistant happened to get two male fetuses in a row) or is it the complete disregard the medical assistant has for human life? Or have I missed the issue completely?
another boy!
I can't cite a source but I do recall from about a decade ago a reference to two thirds of US abortions involving male fetuses.
I don't know
I don't know if some MRAs are concerned about the number of boys being aborted. I do know there are abortions for the wrong sex. I'm not sure if women choose boys or girls more often. I suspect some women might abort a boy just because he's a boy but I don't know any exact numbers. Another poster says two-thirds but I don't know if that's right.
On the other hand, in both India and Asia girls are more likely to be aborted than boys. That's primarily because boys are expected to support their parents when they're old.
I'm also glad these tapes are revealing what the abortion industry is really about. Abortion is not about the magical Disney abortion: Snow White lays on the table, Doc waves his magic wand, the problem magically goes away, and everybody lives happily ever after. The reality is much uglier.
Most abortions in the US are
Most abortions in the US are done before sex can be determined. There is a preference for female children for adoptions so it wouldn't surprise me if 2/3rds of abortions performed after the sex of the fetus is determined were of boys. Globally girls are aborted for sex-selection more often than boys, for mostly cultural reasons.
If I had to guess, and limit
If I had to guess, and limit my answers to practices in the USA. I would say that less than 2% of abortions are done for gender selection. The vast majority (I'm guessing 90%) of abortions are done before gender is determined, and up until last year ultrasounds detailed enough to look for gender and blood tests charged an out-of-pocket expense so generally only parents who planned on going thru with pregnancy opted to pay for them.
So of the 10% of abortions performed after gender is known, I think few are done specifically because of gender, however, I could believe that most of these fetuses are boys because if the abortion is done because of abnormalities (birth defect, retardation) these abnormalities occur most often with male fetuses (it's been well documented that more goes wrong with male fetuses).
In the OP, based on description of body parts, I first assume it was a late-term, however knowing that most major organs are developed at 12 weeks, it is hard to say for sure. In the OP the doc makes a reference to "2nd tri's" so perhaps it's a second trimester abortion.
Also, a point I missed on my first read of the article, is that the author wants us to notice the language Planned Parenthood uses. I know MRAs frequently discuss the control of language by feminists.
*thinking about just giving up*
And it came to pass, the day came where we lost our humanity...
For thirty years I have been a supporter of abortion rights.
And I have done this despite my belief in "the circle of life" (as espoused by Schiller's/Beethoven's "Ode to Joy"/Ninth Symphony)
I have always treaded lightly about the misalignment between my belief in the continuity of life and my acceptance of abortion rights.
I suppose I have deliberately avoided images like in this video: I know they are out there, I have ignored them.
Well, I finally played it; I played this. I saw the leg.
I saw the hand and the leg.
I no longer support abortion.
I will vote on this issue now.
That's enough from me today -- still speechless.
5th video
Evidently there is a 5th video which was released today. I believe this is the link (below). There is no way I am clicking it. I haven't watched any of them, I only read the descriptions and commentary. I assume it is graphic, disturbing and NSFW.
PS - I have tried to find the guidelines and rules for MANN on the left-hand side of the screen, to make sure i am not breaking any rules, but I dont see any. If anyone thinks this is not appropriate I will remove it.
You know what, nevermind. I dont feel comfortable posting the link. I just deleted it. If anyone wants to see the video just google it.
Yes. I don't want to see
Yes. I don't want to see it.
I get the idea. I am already against abortion (except in the case where the mother's life is at stake) I need no further validation for my anti-abortion views.