Shut out of sexual-assault hearing, critics of pro-accuser legislation flood Senate committee with testimony

Article here. Excerpt:

'At a hearing last week on campus sexual assault, a Senate committee considering changes to higher-education law only allowed certain witnesses to testify – those who believe that alleged victims currentlyget a raw deal in campus investigations, relative to accused students.

The hearing was carried live on C-SPAN and the committee’s own Web page, giving a national audience a very skewed impression of a problem that’s largely caused by a combustible mix of alcohol, miscommunication and celebrated sexual permissiveness.

It was so tilted that a Democratic senator, the former attorney general of Rhode Island, had to jump in at the last minute, to cast aspersions on the ability of campus administrators to run a system with any semblance of competence or fairness.

Critics of the bill under consideration, the Campus Accountability and Safety Act, had to resort to filing their testimony for the record, away from the cameras. That’s probably good for the committee members, because they would have looked like fools if these experts in the law and victimized men had counted down the multiple problems with the bill they were coronating.'

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As per the article, I just called Lamar Alexander (from here in Norway).

I asked that he now call a meeting of the men who were victimized by false rape allegations: to have a SECOND hearing on this bill.

The man I spoke with -- his office manager -- was VERY receptive.

Please call him now and tell him to take the comments to the senator:

202 - 224 - 4944

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