More due process for students accused of rape in new House bill that would gut disciplinary process
Article here. Excerpt:
'The Senate’s Campus Accountability and Safety Act (CASA), which concerns itself mostly with students who allege they were sexually assaulted, has new competition from the House – a bill that would give greater protections to accused students in campus disciplinary proceedings.
In other words, it would completely reverse how schools increasingly run their rape investigations.
The Safe Campus Act was introduced by three Republicans – Reps. Matt Salmon of Arizona and Pete Sessions and Kay Granger of Texas.
The bill would also preclude punitive interim measures if an accuser doesn’t report the accusation to law enforcement, and allow both parties to hire lawyers “to represent them throughout the process,” as FIRE notes. Crucially, it would allow those attorneys to “ask questions in the proceeding, file relevant papers, examine evidence, and examine witnesses.”
The bill also prevents officials from playing “multiples roles” in the process, such as a “victim counselor” also serving as an investigator; give all parties access to “material evidence” at least a week before a proceeding starts; and importantly, repeal the authority of the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights to order colleges which evidence standard to use (currently the “more-likely-than-not” preponderance standard).
Only North Carolina and North Dakota have statewide protections for accused students along the lines of House bill.
A spokeswoman for SAFER Campus, an advocacy group, told The Washington Post that accused students should essentially have no rights until the campus disciplinary system works perfectly for accusers:
“We are not at a point to analyze ‘due process,’ when many survivors are publicly shamed on their campuses, when charges against assaulters can be dismissed out of hand by administrators, when an assaulter is allowed to sit across from a survivor and shout down their story.”'
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Just a general observation
I don't think the university as we know it will survive the Title IX assault.
By the time, this is over, feminists will be in control of the university--and everything must meet their approval. It's akin the Grand Inquisitor in charge of the astronomy department.
At the University of Colorado, feminists orchestrated the ouster of several philosophy professors through vague accusations of sexual harassment and "retaliation." Now guess who controls the philosophy department. The feminists.
So, too, both male students and professors will become overly concerned about any accusation of sexual assault or harassment--for to be accused is to be guilty. Think of what happened to Larry Summers and Tim Hunt.
Certain topics will not be discussed. Certain viewpoints will be banned. Men will leave. It will be "safe" for women, but little learning will take place.
It's reminiscent of McCarthyism, where accusations of communism got one black listed or fired. Today, it's about support for "rape culture"--even believing in due process for the accused indicates support for "rape culture."
It's really very sad. American universities once were leaders in both thought and research. They'll soon be nothing more than feminist concentration camps.
El Cid: How right you are...
From 1992 to about 2004, the US government was flush with money (could this be this be the legacy of the Clinton's?)
Money was flowing down from D.C. to all universities in the form of research grants. And many schools used the excess funds to hire profs in Woman's Studies or Hotel Tourism (yes, that is now a legit college major) -- they are top heavy with faculty who do nothing but espouse political correctness.
And now the spigot is closed. NSF, NIH, DUE, DARPA h@ve all pulled back. And universities are top heavy now with idiotic profs who should never have been professors, cannot do research and now sit on committees talking about gender issues.
The universities get very little money from the government now. And most of their endowments are in real estate and that is not looking good.
And now there are mandated intiatives like funding MORE TitleIX Officers. But there is no money for this.
Now throw in the fact that the college age population is going down: there was a lowering of the birth rate 16 years ago. The market is going down.
Also: No Child Left Behind is testing, testing, testing, testing... And few students know how to solve problems now: they only fill in the dots. So schools are h@ving to take whatever money they had in order to hire psychologists to prepare for a generation that has not "solved homework problems."
Finally, despite a temporary setback to for-profit and on-line universities (which some say was actually orchestrated by public universities), there is a huge financial competitive threat to established brick and mortar schools.
Many are now predicting that in the next 20 years, half... HALF... ONE HALF of all American universities will fail...
One more time: ONE HALF of all universities might fail.
So, yes, bad days are coming.
But not for men.
See, at those top schools: MIT, CalTech, G.Tech (they are all male dominated). At the bottom: plumbers, electricians, construction, oil rig -- all male dominated.
Where are the women? Pushing papers for the government.
(The M.D. degree, where women also dominate, will become useless once nurses can prescribe medicine. Meanwhile, surgery is male dominated.)
Skip college unless you want the best. There are days when I wish I had been a plumber.
Men are going to do very well in the future.
And feminists are goint to get more enraged.
But all this is aside...
As you initially predicted... yes, the universities will soon start to fail.
Thanks for a very detailed response. Like you, there are days I wish I had been a plumber.
Knock yourself out, El Cid
If you want some fun, go here:
It BRIEFLY discusses the "bias free language" manual at U. New Hampshire.
Just go right to the comments (mostly by well educated and accomplished professors -- I know a few of them).. and enjoy
If you want to see the manual (the president of U. NH, ordered it down once people began to ridicule it), go here:
You'll be laughing... or crying... not sure...
But this is the work of feminists (who were likely hired during the Higher Ed. run up during 1995-2005). They are the one's causing the problem; they are the ones who set the ship toward the ice berg. (And now it will be male engineering/comp.sci profs who are expected to bring in the funds to rescue them.)
And finally, people are reacting.
But, as I explained earlier... I think it's too late: they did their damage.
one more thing..,
Profs. at CCNY in NY can no longer use Mr. Mrs. Ms. or Miss until AFTER a student has first informed the prof how the student desires to self-identify.