Sorry, Buzz Aldrin, The Moon Landing Was Just ‘Cosmic Manspreading’
Story here. Excerpt:
'American hero Buzz Aldrin came under fire today from prominent feminist Linda Thump, who claimed that the astronaut’s pride about being the second person to walk on the moon was little more than “cissexist white male privilege.”
Speaking on Twitter, Thump said Aldrin’s “constant braggadocio and toxic masculine preening” was the worst example of sexist ignorance in the sciences today. “I mean why would we even want to go to the moon? Have you SEEN how white that thing is? Why not focus on Mars as a testament to the brave struggles of the indigenous American peoples.”
“Are we even sure he went there? I read online that the whole thing was probably faked anyway, and it wouldn’t surprise me to learn that the patriarchal Establishment is seeking to consolidate its chokehold on women with fabrications and frauds,” she explained. “As any gender studies major can tell you, scientific progress is an illusion invented by sexist pigs to keep women down.”
“I’m sure Buzz thinks landing on the moon was some kind of ‘scientific accomplishment,'” she continued, “But all it really demonstrates is how far women still have to go to achieve real equality.”'
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Ain't it grand when...
... someone who's done squat with his/her life takes potshots at someone who has done something with theirs?
Grand in a pathetic and annoying way, but grand nonetheless.
If only it had been Buzz...
As a young boy, I preferred Neil Armstrong as the role model. He was quiet and unassuming and became a professor; Buzz Aldrin was a loud egoist.
Years later, I realized NASA had made a mistake. Had it put Buzz on the moon first, he would have parlayed it into media attention -- he was brash and arrogant (and exactly what was needed).
And that would have kept NASA in the public eye much longer. And that would have ensured more public support for NASA.
When Neil left to go teach in the mid west, NASA retired too.
Thump is an idiot. If she had been in charge, we'd still be only dreaming.
This woman sounds like a
This woman sounds like a nutcase.
And if she does not appreciate science and technology, she should just live without all the stuff men have invented.
How DARE you?!?
“I’m sure Buzz thinks landing on the moon was some kind of ‘scientific accomplishment,'” she continued, “But all it really demonstrates is how far women still have to go to achieve real equality.”'
First of all, Linda Thump (rather odd name), we achieved equality with men, long ago.
...I rather suppose you didn't get the memo. Wow...! we can even VOTE now!
In fact we have surpassed men, in the "equality" department.
OH! That's right! Silly me! I forgot that your definition of equality is different than that of a normal, thinking person.
When YOU say "equality" You mean "Strip men of all their rights and have female supremacy."
So, yea..., By YOUR definition, women really DO have far to to go to achieve "equality". And there are many of us that will fight to our dying breath to make certain your definition of "equality" NEVER comes about!
How DARE you, Ms. Thump? “I’m sure Buzz thinks landing on the moon was some kind of ‘scientific accomplishment,'”
Of course it was a scientific accomplishment, you stupid twat!! In what way wasn't it?
Good God! THE WHOLE F--KING WORLD DOES NOT REVOLVE AROUND WOMEN!!! despite what your arrogant ass believes!
Honestly... How DARE you?!?
‘Cosmic Manspreading’
maybe we should start holding feminists accountable for Female MOUTH spreading.
I swear to God, all they ever do is bitch about everything, and I for one am fed up of it!
I mean, is there nothing they cannot find "misogyny", "patriarchy" and "sexism" in???
We ought to rather start calling my sex the "McCarthy sex" at this rate.
Send her to the moon
bang, zoom....
Maybe we should send her to Uranus! it's more appropriate!
Fly Me To The Moon ....
Maybe she can enjoy Frank Sintra's song on the way?
Buzz Aldrin
If the comments in this thread are any indication, I'm guessing she will get some backlash. :) In that case, Linda Thump will no doubt say her comments were supposed to be "satire", as is claimed whenever someone on the left says something foolish.
"Linda Thump will no doubt say her comments were supposed to be "satire", as is claimed whenever someone on the left says something foolish."
So..., in other words, nearly everything they say is satire.
(Sorry, couldn't resist)
So none of you noticed the
So none of you noticed the author of the article and the twitter account with the quotes were the same? No one googled Linda Thump and noticed she isn't a prominent anything, or even seemingly a person?
Then you're going to make fun of "the left" for not understanding satire?