"The Military Has a Man Problem"
Article here. Excerpt:
'For generations now, the debate over women in combat has put the onus on women to prove they can handle the infantry and other traditionally all-male units. Yet today’s wars have made it clear that the military’s problem lies not with its women, their ability or their courage. The military’s problem, instead, is with some of its men—and a deeply ingrained macho culture that denigrates, insults and abuses women.
“Oh, it’s too rough for women,” such men tend to say. Others complain, “Women would ruin our camaraderie” or “We’d be competing for women instead of looking out for ourselves.” As retired Gen. Gordon R. Sullivan, a former Army chief of staff, wrote, lifting the combat ban against women would be “confusing” and “detrimental to units.”
These attitudes reveal deeply patriarchal, condescending and creaky stereotypes about women, as if they are capable of being nothing more than soft, sexy objects of romance—or sexual prey.'
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In a sense, yes
In a sense, she is right. A lot of men in the armed forces think that women can't be soldiers and risk life and limb, etc., I think this has been shown to be false. Kicking in doors, hitting the dirt, getting shot at, shooting at, stepping on land mines, laying land mines, etc... all stuff females can do just as well as males.
What the hell are we waiting for? Open up combat positions to women and also treat them as combat-potential equals to men. If combat roles need filling (as they always do), assign women in the same numbers as men to them, like it or not. It's what you sign up for. As for the draft, it ought not be allowed at all, and thankfully is not currently active. If one day it becomes that way, women ought not only be equally subject to conscription but to assigned combat roles just as conscripted men are.
Better though it not exist altogether, but in case it does... that's my opinion. But feminists want "equality"? OK, have equality -- even when it hurts like hell, such as when your leg gets hacked/blown off. That's what men have had to deal with for millennia as gender role-based defenders of land and people. Time for "the ladies" to know what "dispensable warrior syndrome" feels like. After all, fair's fair!
Men and women are not
Men and women are not interchangeable; not equal and not the same. There will always be biological differences and thus double standards. If you're waiting for things to change about women in the infantry you will be waiting forever.
When it comes to the country's defense or a war worth fighting; everyone (men,women, young old,etc) should do their part based on their abilities. Putting our women on the front lines, just so they have equal death/harm rate compared to our men is a sure way to lose a war and puts more of our people in danger of death and/or loss of freedoms. The goal is to WIN wars. The only way to achieve that is to have our best soldiers in the best positions based on their abilities regardless of gender.
hmmm... makes ya wonder why it is, that they have to keep lowering the standards for women to even get through basic training, huh?
this is just yet another attack on men.
stupid (and dangerous) as it's becoming to do so, that's all it is.
To: Kris
" Putting our women on the front lines, just so they have equal death/harm rate compared to our men is a sure way to lose a war and puts more of our people in danger of death and/or loss of freedoms. The goal is to WIN wars. The only way to achieve that is to have our best soldiers in the best positions based on their abilities regardless of gender."
mmm... true.
but evidently for some, pushing political and social agendas are more important than human lives, losing our freedoms and defeating enemies.
and yes, i do mean that literally.
Trigger warnings
As long as women need a "trigger warning" before reading "Rape of the Lock," they do not belong in combat. We don't need "fainting couch" feminists fighting our wars.
@el cid
wow! i wish i'd thought to say that!
i wonder if there's any way we could get that message out there!
that says a lot!