The Highly Intelligent, Creative, Self-Destructive White Male in Literature and Film
Article here. Excerpt:
'The common theme of these self-depreciating, intelligent, white males is something that can be looked at in multiple ways. It is often times represented because for thousands of years white males have had a lot of control over society, and while that is blatantly wrong, in some ways these characters are ingrained to feel like they have to prove themselves. On the one hand, they appear to be wasting their life and negatively impacting the ones around them, but on the other, they are striving for something that so few people ever reach: Becoming the best at any single thing in the world. While this may not send a good message, it does show how just how close the gap is from above average intelligence and creativity to pure genius.
Around 70 percent of all suicide victims in the United States are white males and it is no secret that high intelligence and creativity is a blessing and a burden, given that the more of each trait one possesses, the greater the chance of viewing the world and one's self in a negative light. The simple conclusion is that if they do not consistently reach their own personal goals set by their peak levels of intelligence and creativity they have deemed themselves a failure, and there is not much else to do besides sit back and watch them spiral downhill. While we are watching, we wonder why they abuse their bodies with alcohol and drugs, push people away, and flush their potential down the toilet. Unfortunately, the small percentage that have the penchant for this type of mindset often times are unable to stop falling down. However, sometimes they find a way out of that spiral, but only the ones with the most creativity and intelligence are capable of overcoming their greatest adversary: Themselves.'
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White male privilege?
What can seem like privilege to others may feel more like obligation to the individual. Obligation to live up to an unattainable ideal that one must strive to be perfect (or near perfect) in all facets of life. Failure to live up to such self (or societal) imposed expectations can be devastating to the psyche of such a person. Self destructive behavior can follow unless one learns to direct their energies in more constructive ways.
And this is the heart of the matter for so many men (and not just white men).
comedy of errors?
it would be laughable if it were not so tragic.
this is why i get so angry with other women.
so many of us complain that men want us to live up to unreal expectations.
but really, when you think about it, those "unreal expectations" are pretty minimal compared to the ones we expect men to live up to.
men may have unreal expectations for us to look pretty and be a kitten in public and a tigress in bed, but look at what we unrealistically expect of men.
we expect them to "anticipate what women want" without being told. (how are men supposed to be able to...?)
we expect them to be open about their emotions, but then shut them down when they try and do so. on the one hand it's "get in touch with your feminine side!" but when you do, we are like; "OH! MAN UP!" i mean... which IS it, already??
we expect men to be submissive and dominant simultaneously.
we expect them to rescue us but see us as strong and independant at the same time...!
and so much more silliness.
sorry, guys. i'm a woman and even I don't get it!