Democrats gave away tickets to a Hillary Clinton speech due to lack of purchases

Article here. Sometimes fate does for you what you're not smart enough to do for yourself. In The Hildebeast's case, it's to keep her the hell out of the oval office. She'll be a lot happier anyway enjoying the last chapters of her life as a private citizen vs. POTUS. (Most people who hold that job either go gray from it, gray-er from it, or come close to dropping dead from the stress more than once, though those stories don't make it to the news desks of America.) She's so much better off not being in the WH, and so are we. Excerpt:

'The Democratic Party of Virginia was giving away free tickets to an event featuring Hillary Clinton on Friday night.

Clinton is headlining the party's annual Jefferson-Jackson dinner on Friday evening. Though the event is raising money for the Virginia Democrats rather than her presidential bid, it is considered an important campaign appearance for Clinton. The dinner is Clinton's first campaign stop in Virginia, a crucial swing state. It's also one of her first stops outside of the early primary states.

Tickets for the event are being sold for $30 and $125. However, on Friday afternoon, some Virginia Democrats received an email advertising "FREE TICKETS" to the dinner. The email was given to Business Insider by a source. It contained a promotional code to get $30 tickets to the event for free.

An operative for one of the Republican 2016 candidates joked that the ticket giveaway showed Clinton is having trouble generating enthusiasm.

"How bad is it out there for Hillary? She's gone from paid speeches to paying people to hear her speeches," the operative said, referencing the past controversy over Clinton's speaking fees.'

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Hillary knew the invasion of Iraq was wrong. Despite this, she voted to send 8,000 American men to their deaths. She showed NO conviction.

Hillary knew gay marriage would one day be allowed and she supported it. Despite this, she voted against it.

But today, she is in Cape Cod at parties celebrating in the Supreme Court Decision.

She is a coward who does not have conviction.

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"Women have always been the primary victims of war. Women lose their husbands, their fathers, their sons in combat. Women often have to flee from the only homes they have ever known. Women are often the refugees from conflict and sometimes, more frequently in today's warfare, victims." [Hillary Clinton]

any man that would vote for a presidential candidate (male OR female) that would dare say such a ridiculous thing is either a loon, a mangina or a combination of both!
any woman that would vote for her is either a loon, a misandrist or a combination of both!

here's a rather illustrative look at Hitlery's "logic";


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that is for damn sure!

she, in actuality, is a coward who should BE convicTED!

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The amazingly sad truth I've learned over the years is that a lot of men will buy into and obediently follow feminists. If a feminist tells these men they are losers, they'll happily agree. If a feminist tells these men women are the primary victims of war, they'll happily vote for her.

And some get very hostile if you criticize Hillary in the least. They're like little robots who do whatever their mistress demands.

The question for me is why men do this. And a lot do. Not just a few. But a lot. Why do they surrender their hearts, their minds, and their very lives to feminists who view them with nothing but contempt? How does one become so brainwashed?

If I ever raise any type of MRA issue on another forum, the first critics are usually men. These men have typically sold their soul for feminist approval--or is it just female approval? Perhaps that's it. The malignant cancer of the average man is his need for female approval. It's what enslaves him.

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tough question, but easy answer.
while i was in the feminists movement (god help me...) i saw a lot of these wimpy, effeminate clowns.
most of them have a 'dominatrix' fetish. i know, because i had a number of them approach me, personally to ask me out. they often answered a question i never asked. they would tell me how much they like to be sexually dominated by a woman (usually clad in leather with a whip and spurs){shudder} and i was far from the only woman these icky "men" made such statements to.
we referred to them as "Fe-men". they seemed more woman than man. they seemed more woman than most of US...! although (technically) "heterosexual" they often came off as homosexual. as i stated most were quite effeminate. i'm about as girly and feminine as you can get, and some of these "chaps" rivaled me in femininity. they did the whole 'limp wrist' thing and spoke with a feminine inflection. but i do believe most of it was affectacious on their part. (maybe not)
in any case, they think that by "supporting" women and hating their own gender that it scores brownie points with feminists, and women in general. these are, of course the white-knights and the manginas. white-knights, opposed to manginas tend to be more masculine, but still wimpy. either one is disgusting.
they believe that this is a sure fire way to get "laid". (sorry for being blunt).
"If I ever raise any type of MRA issue on another forum, the first critics are usually men."
that is for show. they do that to demonstrate (to women) how devoted to women and women's welfare they are. very few are actually sincere in caring about us.
it's funny that non-feminist men are the ones who actually DO care about women, but they also care about men's issues, as well. THAT is where they get into trouble.
"The question for me is why men do this. And a lot do. Not just a few. But a lot. Why do they surrender their hearts, their minds, and their very lives to feminists who view them with nothing but contempt? How does one become so brainwashed?"
many aren't so much 'brainwashed' as they are simply selfish. they would readily sell out their brethren just to get laid.
on the other hand, some are 'brainwashed'. these blokes are usually raised by single mothers. and those mothers at times are deeply misandrist. so the poor boy grows up on a steady diet of "all men are pigs". make no mistake about it. part of the feminist agenda IS for mothers to win sole custody of children for the very purpose of indoctrination by women. (preferably feminist women). this was stated a number of times during feminist gatherings i was part of.
but by and large, most manginas (and white knights, as well) are just in it for the p---y, and their own agendas.
most of us actually just laughed behind their backs. most feminists do, indeed, know what the mangina (a.k.a. "male feminist") is up to. however as i think i mentioned in another post, we found them to be useful idiots. we used them as puppets. mainly because they gave us "credibility". we could point to them and say to everyone; "LOOK! LOOK! A MAN IS SAYING IT, SO IT MUST BE TRUE!!".
i am ashamed to admit, i played a part of that, when i first entered the feminist movement.
...glad i came to my senses, eventually. :(

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This could be Hillary Clinton's theme song (just change "man" to "woman"):

"I'm a woman without conviction."

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Thanks for the lengthy reply.

It really shows how much power women have over men--all the while pretending not to have any power over men. Which is probably the secret here.

But it still astounds how many men will sell out themselves and the brothers in order to gain approval or get laid.

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yes, well... she's a reptile of SOME sort, alright...

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yes..., i'm sorry. i do get a bit long winded at times.
but, really, to be honest... women have as much power over you as you give us.
i mean, it's not ALWAYS the case, but frequently it is.

"But it still astounds how many men will sell out themselves and the brothers in order to gain approval or get laid."

i know... i don't quite understand that, myself. to me it makes no sense whatsoever.

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Long winded is good in this case.

Besides, I don't really care for bumper sticker discussions. The issues we discuss here have many dimensions that cannot be reduced to a cute slogan.

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Why do men surrender to feminists?

I may not be the best person to answer this as I have never been around many feminists of either gender. My family, as well as my extended family tends to be "traditionalists" - they get married and they stay married and most wives are stay at home moms (at least for the first few years) or their careers are second to their husbands' careers.

However, I did have a brief experience with black American culture,and I do see common feminist attitudes among black men. Most black men are raised by single mothers and on welfare. This is such a common way of life, that they see it as normal. They have huge respect for their mothers. I should say this isn't really just black men it is most children raised in the single mother-low income sector.

...And about welfare handouts, I think people have to mentally justify getting something for free, so they convince themselves they deserve it because they are victims. Feminists and Hilary Clinton perpetuate this mentality.

I believe in the adage "the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world" so between single mothers raising children and the feminist teachers who have kids in their care more than parents, I say kids today are highly brainwashed by feminism as they are surrounded by it. Single motherhood is increasing and the public school system is always trying to expand their hold on children.

The lack of influence on children is what worries me most about MRA. Most MRAs advocate for no children within marriage, no children outside of marriage, and accidentally pregnancies to be aborted or sole custody and responsibility to mothers. This is the exact opposite approach of any group which seeks political and social power. Most see control of children as a winning strategy.

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