Australia: Queensland researcher to start world-first study into women-only police stations

Article here. Excerpt:

'Police in Australia deal with a domestic violence matter every two minutes, according to estimates, a disturbing reality authorities around the country are struggling to combat.

Queensland researchers are now looking across the world to South America, where a unique and cooperative approach has been achieving success under the radar.

Women-only police stations designed specifically to deal with domestic and sexual violence have been quietly running for decades across Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador, Nicaragua and Peru with multi-agency and government cooperation.
Professor Carrington said that, as the name suggests, the stations are staffed by female police officers, psychologists and social workers.

"They don't look like police stations in that they are very brightly coloured, they have flowers [and] they are very inviting and welcoming," she said.'

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Oh yeah, how silly of me!

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""They don't look like police stations in that they are very brightly coloured, they have flowers [and] they are very inviting and welcoming," she said.'"

*bangs head against wall*

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