Meet The Taxpayer-Funded Feminist Professor Who Demands ‘Men Control’

Article here. Excerpt:

'A women’s studies professor at the University of Maryland, College Park has used her Twitter account to call for legislation to restrict the actions of males because of their masculinity.

The taxpayer-funded professor is Ashwini Tambe. The tweet is the highlight among a set of Tambe’s outrageous tweets compiled by the website

Here is a screenshot of Tambe’s May 2014 tweet demanding “men control”:'

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From the OP, moved into comments:

Just when ya think the feminists can't get any more radical, or bonkers... They DO!
Just when ya think the feminists can't get any more hatfull, Androphobic and silly... They DO!
And just when ya think the Feminists can't get any more Nazi-esque... They DO!
And when you think they can't get any more dangerous.... Well, they DO!

Let us be introduced to "MAN CONTROL".


'A women’s studies professor at the University of Maryland, College Park has used her Twitter account to call for legislation to restrict the actions of males because of their masculinity.'

Now... let's read it this way;

A Nazi’s studies professor at the University of Maryland, College Park has used her Twitter account to call for legislation to restrict the actions of Jews because of their being Jewish.
(I fail to see any difference)
You can't make this stuff up, fellas.

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Ultimately, feminists want males eliminated from humanity. That's been their stated goal since the '70s and was only solidified in the '80s. Reduction, restriction, destruction. That's the plan. Reduction incl. denigration, minimization, and dehumanization. Restriction is next: loss of basic liberties, rights, freedoms (such as of movement), etc. Finally, destruction: Death, or in this case, elimination via attrition. But better in their eyes, they hope science will provide a means of quickly purging humanity of males while providing it a means of asexual reproduction.

Whether or not most women care, much less men, about this program not happening isn't relevant to them. Was it relevant to the Nazis what their victims wanted?

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I just wanted to add that this is how the whole "Manspreading" legislation and law came about.
It started with a few feminists and then grew to the andro-specific law that we now see being used to arrest men.
This isn't the first time, either.
Now they are beginning a new campaign with this "Men-Control" B.S. in the same way that they have gotten other such laws passed.
So far, people that I have warned about this (both male and female) rather shrug it off and say; "This is America. ...'can't happen".
Which is ironic, because I got the exact same response when I warned of the "Manspreading" legislation.
And, it was passed.
This will be passed, as well, more than likely.

Gotta get our heads out of our collective bums and see this for what it is.
I hate to keep drawing the parallels to Nazi Germany, but those parallels become more and more evident with each passing year...
...and each unconstitutional (feminist) law.
I honestly do not want to wait about to see what the next one will be.

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