Do You Resist Women’s Instructions?

(For comic relief) - A study posted on finds that when a man fails to help out around the house, his poor performance might be related to a subconscious tendency to resist doing anything his wife wants…. He is displaying what psychologists term “reactance -- the tendency to do the exact opposite of what's requested by a loved one or boss... Says the study's co-author Tanya Chartrand: "My husband, while very charming in many ways, has an annoying tendency of doing exactly the opposite of what I would like him to do in many situations."

Imagine that, a man with the gall to refuse a command from a woman. That dog obviously needs behavior modification! ("Not tonight honey, I’ve got a headache ...")

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20+ years ago i had to undergo court ordered psychological evaluation. It was determined by the psychobabylist that I had an oppositional dysfunction. I guess that reactive is the new term for not agreeing to what to what they're spewing.

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I have a basic rule that I follow if/when I see a relationship (be it romantic or friendship or other) with a woman is starting to involve "marching orders". Things that I'm instructed to do often go undone, things I'm asked to do (that are reasonable) get done.

The problem is women in marriages tend to take on a sense of ownership, the same one they claim men took when marriage was all about 'owning' women.

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Great observations ItsDan. I too have had the (dis)pleasure of being in a relationship (marriage) with someone who began thinking she was entitled to boss me around day in and day out. No matter how much I gave it was never enough.

And then she wondered why my interest in sex had dropped off to near nil. What can I say? I find that sex with a drill sergeant makes me soooooo hot. /sarcasm

Eventually when I'd had enough of that B.S. I walked out the door and haven't looked back since. Some women just don't get it - the only man who chooses to stay with an overbearing woman is either too wimpy to stand up for himself or doesn't think he can do any better. Eventually, if he wises up he'll realize he can do a LOT better and take a walk.

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Here is an example of a woman's reactance: her husband spent all day Sunday mowing the lawn, taking out the trash, re-finishing the guest house, and repairing the car.. and his wife "reacts" by saying, "honey, you left a sock on the floor again!"


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