To Stop Mass Killers, We Have To Stop Drugging Our Young Boys

Article here. Excerpt:

'As America comes to terms with a monstrous shooting in Charleston that has left nine churchgoers dead, bewildered members of the public are seeking rationality in apparently wanton and inscrutable crimes.

We may never know quite what drives some people to kill. But it seems that in young Dylann Storm Roof, we have further evidence of a trend that should worry us all. I’m talking about his dependence on prescription drugs: suboxone, to be precise.

Roof is just the latest in a long line of young men who have committed appalling crimes after a lifetime on psychotropic drugs. If you don’t believe me, consider some of the most notorious young male shooters in American history.

Sandy Hook shooter Adam Lanza? Lexapro and Celexa. Red-headed Aurora killer James Holmes? Clonazepam and sertraline. Virginia Tech mass murderer Seung-Hui Cho? Prozac. Charles Whitman, the “Texas Tower Sniper”? Dexedrine. Columbine executioners Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold? Zoloft and Luvox.

You get the idea. These young men were all on prescribed medication. Feminism helped to get them there. In particular, female teachers who either dislike men or are completely ignorant of healthy behaviour norms for boys are creating a generation of emotionally stunted, drugged up young men.'

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... was anti-black people bigotry, let's not forget. Add it to his mix of feminist-inspired drugging and you got a teen-aged boy mass murderer. In addition to the Rx issue, how and why he bacame a jr. American white supremacist with murderous designs has to be addressed.

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i rather see it like this; males simply have NO outlet for anything!
they are constantly told by a, now gynocentric society, that they are all "rapists", "oppressors", "inferior to females", that they are fundamentally "flawed", simply for being born male, they are told that they are "privileged" when they are not, they are told that everything that is wrong in the world is
"their fault", they must endure gender double standards, the like that we as western 1st world women never had to, they are told they are "expendable", "disposable", "don't matter", and that they are "sexist" and "misogynist" by default! they are mocked and maligned by western women, and told by these same women that "we don't need no man!" they hear things like Hannah Rosen predicting; "The end of men", they hear and see hashtags that say "#KillAllMen", they hear feminists and even mainstream women talk about wiping males off the face of the earth, in a mass "genocide" (gendercide?)they see girls wearing T-shirts saying things like "Boys are stupid, throw rocks at them", or "I love boys, every girl should OWN one" and never called on their misandry. they must endure hours of TV programming that depicts their gender as bumbling fools, or effeminate manginas or sexual deviants or "spouse abusers" or "predators".
they are constantly told to "get in touch with their feminine side" and then when they try to do so, they are told to "MAN UP!"

...and people are actually WONDERING if there might..., MIGHT be a connection between all that and some males finally going off the deep end?
i have thought this to be the case for years! but anytime i tried to draw such a parallel, i was (and still am) shouted down as a "gender traitor to the "patriarchy" by not just feminists but other 'everyday women' and even by some men!
and as i said; men and boys have absolutely no outlet for any of this. why is it such a surprise, when they just can't keep it all stuffed down inside themselves anymore, and they finally snap?
why is that such a surprise????
is there a connection?
and they are just now considering it as the possibility?????
good God!

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I think ADD/ADHD is a complicated issue...

I believe the schools are run by feminist agenda and not good for boys.

I believe there are many false diagnosis of ADD/ADHD. I also believe there are some legitimate diagnosis of ADD/ADHD.

I believe we need to be more cautious of medicating young children, but I recognize that some adults have found ADD/ADHD meds to have positive results (many adults who find meds to be useful only take the meds as needed, not every day like schools are doing to children).

Psychologists say conditions often overlap and are difficult to isolate,especially in children. Many children diagnosed with ADD/ADHD usually have other diagnosis. These conditions often go hand-in-hand: ADD/ADHD, autism, social anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, opposition defiance disorder, attachments disorders and tourette's syndrome. I bet you will find that many killers listed in the OP were also diagnosed with these disorders. It is difficult to know if they were over-diagnosed, under-diagnosed or on meds or off meds at the time of their killing sprees.

I am on the fence about many issues surrounding ADD/ADHD especially about it being nature vs nurture, and about it being legitimate vs false diagnosis. But it is something I am very interested in, as I have personal reasons . I read everything I can about it.

Some things I notice from my personal observations.....

Although I have seen ADD/ADHD diagnosis in children from all types of families, I think it is more prevalent in homes which are more chaotic such as single mother homes. I also see it more in children who have been institutionalized from a young age (in daycares.) I have also read that lack of breastfeeding might contribute.

If ADD/ADHD is legitimate, I think mothers will (or should) play the key role in prevention. I think it might be environmental factors, pre-natal exposure, breast feeding, early home environment (is it peaceful and quiet or is it chaotic and loud?)

When it comes to homeschooling and ADD/ADHD.....It is not really something home-schooling parents recognise or feel a need to diagnose /treat as our schooling is more about kids as individuals. If they need more time to run around and less time sitting still, they get what they need. Schools cant provide that.

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