Sobering Father's Day PSA Reminds Dads to Talk to Sons About Domestic Violence
Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2015-06-19 04:05
Article here. Excerpt:
'Many of this year's Father's Day messages have tugged at our heartstrings, but The Ad Council and organization Futures Without Violence have teamed up for a more sobering message for Dads.
A TV spot, created by RSA Films, starts out like a typical Father's Day ad, with a voiceover (by Forest Whittaker) reflecting on what Dads teach their sons; to hit baseballs, goals, and other sporting achievements. It goes on to ask "But how much time did you spend on teaching him what not to hit?"'
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FD quickly devolving into...
... suck up to feminists day. Ugh.
To: Matt
that's about what it amounts to, isn't it?
care to join me in banging my head against the wall?
The Ad is very sobering. . .
. . .but not for the reasons they intended.
I find it beyond insulting that father's day can't just be about celebrating good dads. No, we have to make it about single moms, or about pretending that domestic violence is this horrific pandemic that only males do to only females. I swear if anyone ever had the nerve to come up to me on father's day and talk to me about DV and how it's my job to end it, i'd tell them I already am doing by part by being nonviolent, that women commit DV too, and finally, to shove it and get a life.