A Nobel professor's hounded from his job for 'sexist' remarks in disturbing trend
Article here. Excerpt:
'First of all, let me just say that I do not intend to resign on account of what I am about to say. Or issue a grovelling apology, or cry in the loos.
So if you’re a touchy ‘feminazi’ with the sense of humour of a Ryvita, or just one of those weird people who like getting in a massive lather about things, save your spittle. If, that is, you have any left. Because you did it, ladies. You got your man. Sir Tim Hunt, 72, Nobel Prize winner, one of Britain’s top scientists last night resigned.
No doubt it will be extra helpings of organic non-GM muesli all round at breakfast this morning now that this scourge has been banished from scientific circles. After all, men like him can’t be allowed to go around the place making giant scientific breakthroughs of the kind that may one day lead to, oh I don’t know, a cure for cancer, unless and until they have fully submitted to the will of the mob.
Heaven forfend that an old fellow like Hunt should try to make a bit of a joke about the ladies and his own inability to resist their charms without being tarred and feathered and locked in the stocks so that he, too, like many before him, can receive his 15 minutes of hate.
It’s days like these that I despair of my sex. Of the stupid, pampered, spoilt women who have nothing better to do with their lives than whinge and whine about utterly trivial items of entirely innocuous cack-handedness by slightly inept men who have no intention whatsoever of offending the Sisterhood, but who, entirely by accident, end up getting it in the neck.'
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Sargon of Akkad discusses this
on YOUTUBE Sargon of Akkad talks about this in one of his videos.
LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uVvVbczN_A
Sargon is spot on, in his commentary on this subject (as he usually is).
funny how the same thing didn't happen to Bahar Mustafa, eh? despite the fact she said similar things, and worse about "white men".
but Mustafa actually actively discriminates against men and even advocates murdering men.
professor Hunt simply made an off the cuff remark about women crying.
yet he loses his job, in the blink of an eye and Mustafa keeps her job, despite the fact there is a large petition demanding she be fired or step down.
something is really f--ked up, here!!