The gender wage gap: Why it may never close
Article here. Excerpt:
'But how? Here’s one idea. Get women in university to switch their majors. Instead of sociology, they should take petroleum engineering, which pays three or four times as much. That would close the gap in no time.
In fact, most (not all) of the wage gap is a myth, based on the same sort of flawed statistics that vastly inflate the problem of “rape culture.” Yet if you doubt the magnitude of either of these problems, you will probably be denounced as a misogynist, or worse.
Just ask Christina Hoff Sommers, a mild-mannered feminist who argues that modern feminism has gone off the deep end. Take the pay gap. She points out that much of the gap is explained by the fact that women choose career paths that pay less than the work men choose. Once you correct for occupational differences, hours worked per week, and tenure in the work force, most of the pay gap disappears. The statistics bear her out.'
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retarded chimpanzee
leave it to radfems to miss the obvious.
...but, i am left wondering. is it really all about what the feminists say?
i mean, are they really complaining about being paid less than men for the same work, or do they simply want more money for less work, just to be "equal" with the chaps?
it's just that..., are the feminists really so blind to reality, that they miss a fact so simple to understand??? a retarded chimpanzee could understand this!
go figure, i suppose. :(
This article is spot on. And
This article is spot on. And she includes a "trigger warning" for those who might fear her message.