No men allowed: publisher accepts novelist's 'year of women' challenge

Story here. Excerpt:

'Small press And Other Stories has answered author Kamila Shamsie’s provocative call for a year of publishing women to redress “gender bias” in the literary world.

The novelist made what she called her “provocation” in Saturday’s Guardian, revealing that just under 40% of books submitted to the Booker prize over the past five years were by women, and pointing to everything from the author Nicola Griffith’s research, which found that far more prize-winning novels have male than female protagonists, to the Vida statistics showing that male authors and reviewers command more space than female.

“At this point, I’m going to assume that the only people who really doubt that there is a gender bias going on are those who stick with the idea that men are better writers and better critics,” wrote Shamsie. “Enough. Across the board, enough ... I would argue that is time for everyone, male and female, to sign up to a concerted campaign to redress the inequality ... Why not have a year of publishing women: 2018, the centenary of women over the age of 30 getting the vote in the UK, seems appropriate.”'

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JK Rowling was utterly clobbered as a writer because she was a woman.


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'Small press And Other Stories has answered author Kamila Shamsie’s provocative call for a year of publishing women to redress “gender bias” in the literary world.

The novelist made what she called her “provocation” in Saturday’s Guardian, revealing that just under 40% of books submitted to the Booker prize over the past five years were by women, [ERIKA; so what??] and pointing to everything from the author Nicola Griffith’s research, which found that far more prize-winning novels have male than female protagonists, [ERIKA; so??] to the Vida statistics showing that male authors and reviewers command more space than female. [ERIKA; so what??]

“At this point, I’m going to assume that the only people who really doubt that there is a gender bias going on are those who stick with the idea that men are better writers and better critics,” [ERIKA; oh, no. i believe there IS a gender bias going on, but not against the people you think it is, love. and, no i certainly believe that women are much better critics, because almost all we ever DO is 'criticize'.] wrote Shamsie. “Enough. Across the board, enough ... I would argue that is time for everyone, male and female, to sign up to a concerted campaign to redress the inequality ... Why not have a year of publishing women: 2018, [ERIKA; oh, i don't know.... perhaps because it's sheer lunacy to fight a perceived 'sexism' with actual sexism??] the centenary of women over the age of 30 getting the vote in the UK, seems appropriate.” [...huh...???]

why do these women feel that any time men excel over women in any field that it is "sexism"?
okay, so using this criteria as a "measurement" why is it that in fields where women excel over men, that is not sexism? huh?

okay, fine. let's pick a field where women excel over men and outnumber them, and are paid much more than men!
i say, we have a "year of men' in the fashion model industry!
hey, why not? if this is the criteria used to measure "sexism" than all's fair, right?
well..., it is in a logical person's mind, but evidently the logic is lost on feminists and manginas.
i guess what they say is true... common sense is like DEODORANT. the people who need it the most never use it...!


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