Sexual assault by deception could become a criminal offense

Article here. Excerpt:

'LYING TO GET sex has been going on since Adam ate the proverbial apple.

It will never stop. But wouldn't it be great if there was somewhere that a burned lover could turn to if she discovered that the man who told her he was childless not only had a 10-year-old, but also a pregnant side jawn?

Or if the person they're sleeping with showed them photos of a beautiful home he claimed to own but in reality was living in his parents' basement?

In other words, wouldn't it be great if a woman duped into having sex could have the jerk arrested?

Absolutely, says Mischele Lewis. The 37-year-old suburban-mom-turned-activist is the inspiration behind a bill in New Jersey that would make sexual assault by deception a crime.

I know this is going to make some readers livid, but stay with me: Introduced late last year by Assemblyman Troy Singleton, D-Burlington, the bill would make "sexual assault by fraud" a punishable offense. The bill defines it as "an act of sexual penetration to which a person has given consent because the actor has misrepresented the purpose of the act or has represented he is someone he is not."'

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... women who lie abt their age, or don't mention their single motherhood until after they've had sex with a guy, or women who wear make-up to cover wrinkles? All these can be seen as deceptive behaviors... and yet... I doubt they'll be in the bill.

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The gal behind this, Mischele Lewis...I saw her story on Dateline. The show was presented as a woman who got involved with "a secret agent" and who's life became "censored and watched." which sounded interesting until it became apparent in the first few minutes that none of it was true. They should have said the show was about an incredibly gullible woman who was so stupid to believe her boyfriend she met on the internet was a secret agent and his "employer" needed $30,000 to run her security check.

Don't know if I can recall all the facts to 100% accuracy, but it goes something like this. She is a single mom who's been divorced a few years. For the first time, she tries online dating and this guy answers her add immediately. However, he can only meet her late at night and she is not allowed to call him. This goes on for awhile. She gets frustrated and he tells her it is because he is a secret agent - but says he cant give her any details as he is on a secret mission. He goes for long periods of not speaking to her, when he returns and she asks where he has been, he says "watch the news." She then watches the news which happens to the same time the Edward Snowden case was breaking - she assumes he was involved. So whenever he is gone, She thinks he is involved in whatever international breaking news story is occurring.

At some point she finds out where he lives and drives by. She sees toys, signs of children and a female living in the home which appears to be his wife. He explains all this by saying the female is also a secret agent and she happens to have kids. They are "undercover" posing as a family. She believes this.

Then he proposes marriage, but since he is so high up in the secret service, she will need to go through a security clearance if she wants to be his wife. She pays something like $30,000 for this.

The sad part is that about a month before the "wedding" she finds out she is pregnant. About this time she also decided to look through his wallet that he left on her table. This is when she noticed that the name on his ID was not the name she knew him as. She googled his name and his whole rap sheet came up as a con artist. I think he had a history of some serious crimes as well. His rap sheets spanned multiple counties and he had 13 kids with different women. She then got the police involved and he was arrested.

It should be noted that he was charged and convicted with fraud and related crimes. If I remember correctly he is serving a long prison term. I understand how victimized the woman feels but he NEVER RAPED her! and the majority of the people in the world are not be as gullible as she was. This is not something that can "happen to anyone" as she likes to say.

tl/dr: women meets man on internet, who tells her he is a secret agent and she has a sexual relationship with him and gives him $30,000 for her security clearance. Now she wants to make this type of fraud "rape by deception"

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