Girls beating boys in academics: Guy thing or failing system?
Article here. Excerpt:
'Several theories attempt to explain why boys and girls have markedly different educational outcomes:
• Because the academic gap exists across ages, societies and races, researchers suggest intellectual maturity and normal child development favor females. The gap is widest at the middle-school level.
• Physiology plays a role. Adolescence can disrupt education as boys and girls develop. The age of puberty is when teachers begin to see the differences.
• Behavior is big. Boys are 2½ times more likely to be suspended and nearly three times more likely to be expelled, according to Ohio Department of Education data. They also drop out of school more often.
• Girls might think differently. Educators say they are less oppositional and deeper thinkers.
• Society could be to blame. Boys are encouraged to be aggressive, which would explain the defiant behavior and the dominance in high-paying corporate positions. Stereotypical gender roles drive boys to competitive sports and girls to reading and writing — two subjects in which they dominate boys.
• The last reason is more nuanced. Is it possible that test results aren't a reflection of academic potential, but instead suggest that the education system is failing boys?'
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because boys are stupid.
if girls are doing more poorly than boys in school, it is because of the "patriarchy".
if boys are doing more poorly than girls in school, it is because boys are just stupid, and girls are "superior".
and yes that IS the mentality that boys (and males in general, in the west) face.
plain and simple.
this is what happens
The brains of men and women are nearly the same.
The brains of boys and girls are vastly different.
Speech, language and emotive centers in girls develop faster that in boys.
Visualization and focused linear thinking in boys develops faster than in girls.
This is why girls shine in the communication skills in the early grades and boys stumble over everything that does not manifest single minded, obsessive focus (which some schools now treat with ADHD drug, unfortunately).
Now the discipline of math is where boys excel.
To counteract that, we don't teach math anymore. We do not teach algebra, geometry in the PURE sense; we teach the machinery of arithmetic.
So now girls are doing better by filling in bubbles on sit-still exams: expected.
Then they get to high school and the abstraction and visualization enters the math disciplines.
And girls then falter.
And rather than than realize it is the result of poor pedagogical planning, we insist it is sexism.
So we fund EXTRA programs for girls. And they do a bitter better with this attention.
Then they get to college.
And that is when the boys are catching up.
And rather than admit that this "catching up" is the natural thing for boys...
We assume it is sexism once again:
Title IX
More clubs for girls.
Boys expelled.
Articles on gender issues by Woman's Studies Departments.
And girls then graduate in engineering and science. But by then, they h@ve the expectation of success without h@ving put in the same work.
Then they get to industry or academia.
In academia, rather than admit that the girls eduction was hampered by feminist interventions and that they TOO, did not learn well, we assume there is sexism and create programs to help women get tenure. In industry, we create special agencies to help them get venture capital.
Truly, men have great minds to be able to continue to flourish under the hostility of feminism.
When will we wake up?