Site Administration Updates

This evening I made a few changes to the software that runs We are now using image-based captchas for new user accounts and anonymous article submissions. These are those annoying dialogs where you have to type in the hard-to-read text from an image to confirm that you're a human being.

Unfortunately, a good deal of fake user accounts and spam article postings are sent in to us every day, and we need to do something to stop automated bot programs from deluging us with bogus accounts and stories. Logged-in users will not have to go through this system - it's only for people creating new user accounts or submitting news stories anonymously.

Anyone who has legitimately created a new user account which hasn't been unblocked should send a short email to, and we'll enable your account. Otherwise, in about a week or two I'm going to start culling dead accounts that have never been logged into.

Other related site updates might fix some comment posting bugs that have been reported to us recently. Enjoy.

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"Unfortunately, a good deal of fake user accounts and spam article postings are sent in to us every day."

Maybe Gandy has a task force of people looking to screw with this site.

I'm being silly, but hey, who knows?


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A quick glance at NOW's official web site would suggest that they do not have the technical chops to launch a cyber attack of any kind.

Though NOW is currently accepting applications for a new position of direct marketing manager with web savvy skills and knowledge of the blogosphere.

(I'm suspecting that the reason they are finally getting around to semi-seriousness about the Web is that there is a huge lack of interest among younger women in joining the old crone's club @ NOW. And, you'll never get Kim Gandy to release an honest tally of NOW's actual membership...)

I've always found it strange and comical that a supposedly grassroots, popular, progressive, democratic organization like NOW has no blog or chat feature on its web site; in fact, not even a prominent way to contact Ms. Gandy and her Girl Power team.

Remember what happened at Ms. Magazine when their unrestricted blog started to feature actual debates on the integrity (or lack thereof...) of feminist ideas?

They shut the whole thing down in an illuminating display of their Maoist dedication to free debate and replaced open dialogue with severly constrained editorially approved bulletins.

Apparently for feminists it's a delicate balancing act to claim to represent the masses while censoring their actual opinions.

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It's nice to see you guys working hard to make MANN a better site and make the community experience more rewarding for everyone.

Unfortunately, the reality of the internet almost makes such measures as you are enacting necessary.

Just like every e-mail gets spam messages these days every site gets spam messages posted to forums and message boards all to often.

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As a former software developer, I know it can be a challenge to put up and maintain a web site. Good job!!

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