Student Who Banned Whites, Men From Diversity Event Insists: “I Can’t Be Racist Because I’m Not White”

Story here. Excerpt:

'A student who banned white people and men from a students’ union equality event has insisted that she can’t be racist because she is an “ethnic minority woman”.

Publicity for event claimed that it aimed to be all about “challenge the white-centric culture of occupations”, “diversifying our curriculum” and building a “cross-campus campaign that puts liberation at the heart of the movement”.

But when Bahar Mustafa, Goldsmith University’s Students Union Welfare and Diversity officer, took to Facebook to invite people to the event, she insisted that it was for “BME Women and non-binary people” only, adding “if you’ve been invited and you’re a man and/or white PLEASE DON’T COME”.

Breitbart London reported at the time that Miss Mustafa had repeatedly confirmed that the event was segregated.

Her remarks quickly drew criticism from Goldsmiths students, who branded her comments “patronising” and “laughable”.

A senior member of the Students Union who wished to remain anonymous told The Tab “For Bahar to have the nerve to write this is patronising beyond belief.

“She (if that is her preferred gender pronoun) has made it very difficult for white cis males on campus who feel like they can’t say anything for fear of retribution. The irony that she (or they) think that they are diversifying the student community in the name of feminism and multiculturalism is laughable.”'

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Mz. Bahar Mustafa! You are a complete IDIOT!
Do you not even know the very definition of the very words you use?
Singling out a group, and ostracizing them because of race is racism by the simplest of definitions!
Singling out a group and ostracizing them because of sex is sexism by the SAME simplest of definitions!
Therefore, by the simplest of definitions..., you ARE a sexist
and you ARE a racist! You flipping IDIOT!!!
Honestly, how stupid can one be???

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Fine, you're a sexually and racially discriminatory bigot!

No way to wiggle out of this one. This fits you like a pantsuit tailored for you.

And this is how you deal with ignoramuses who want to play this semantics game. I'm talking about the one where they use the sociological definition of the words sexist and racist - the one where women and minorities are given impunity to be discriminatory without being called "sexist" or "racist" due to perceived power dynamics (I say perceived because anyone with a brain can see that women are certainly not being denied any opportunities in modern western society).

Well, fine, go ahead and claim not to be a racist or sexist, but still be a gender and racial bigot. Your bed is made, you bigot!

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