Meet the Vagina Voters

Article here. Excerpt:

'"I intend to vote with my vagina."

Have you ever read a more squirm-inducing sentence than that? It appeared in a pro-Hillary piece in Dame magazine, written by a person with a vagina who intends to vote for Clinton because she also has a vagina.

Let's leave aside the unfortunate image conjured up by that sentence ("You can hold a pencil with that thing?!") The bigger problem with such unabashed declarations of "vagina voting" is that they confirm the descent of feminism into the cesspool of identity politics, even biologism, and its abandonment of the idea that women should be valued more for their minds than their anatomy.

Kate Harding, the vagina voter in question, isn't only going to vote with her vag—she's also going to tell everyone about it. "I intend to vote with my vagina. Unapologetically. Enthusiastically... And I intend to talk about it," she wrote in Dame.

She thinks Hillary would be a great president because she "knows what it's like to menstruate, be pregnant, [and] give birth."
This embrace of the gender card by Clinton and her cronies, this move from thinking with their heads to voting with their vaginas, is being celebrated as a great leap forward. It's nothing of the sort. It merely confirms the speedy and terrifying shrinking of the political sphere in recent years, with the abstract being elbowed aside by the emotional, and the old focus on ideas and values now playing a very quiet second fiddle to an obsession with identity.'

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... brain and not voting for The Hildebeast, should such a barf-inducing event as her winding up on the ballot in the 2016 national election transpire.

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'"I intend to vote with my vagina."

...really? (OO)

...i rather think i'll just use the ballot box, thank you, very much.
less messy, that way, i dare say!

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That's right.

I will knock down two little blue pills before going off to vote(it's time to get hard and call it a presidential erection) with my six inches.

I'm going in to that booth and I'm gonna punch that ballot with my 7, no, 8 inch tool. Yeah, me and my 9 inches are going to punch that chad.

Why by the time its done I might even leave my mark with my 10 inch member and teach that vagina a thing or two.

11 inches.

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Yeah... that's right: 13

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that says only 1 in 18,000 men have 9+ inches.

isn't it totally awesome that there are 2 of us on this one site?

in other news, I'm going to vote w/ my remote control. I bought an ap that the guy guaranteed would allow me to vote by remote control from my I-phone out in the parking lot. how cool is that? everybody is doing it.

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