UK: Is anyone sticking up for men's interests in this election?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Notice anything missing from the coming general election?

Could any national drama more starkly reveal how completely men’s interests are a non-issue in British politics? We are not even in the wings.

While the manifestos of all major parties teem with cooing blandishments to women, none of them has a word to say about the glaring disadvantages of boys and young men in education and employment. None of them demonstrates a smidgen of concern that the routine separation of tens of thousands of children from their fathers every year by force of law in the Family Court is this country’s most indefensible abuse of human rights.

None discusses the sickening figures forsuicide among men. You could scan the parties’ policies with ultrasound but you wouldn’t detect any trace of interest in a male contraceptive pill – 50 years after the pill for women went into mass circulation - still less a commitment to that essential development. Any party that promised a national effort to make a pill available to men within 10 years – like President Kennedy’s 1961 inauguration promise that the USA would send humans to on the moon and back within a decade – would get my vote almost without further question.'

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... and Canada, and Germany, and Japan, and Russia, and ... on and on...

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i am from yorkshire england, and i can tell you that there are a few voices that do try to speak out, but they are ignored by the bbc and pretty much most other media outlets as well.
also, most that would speak up are now much too frightened by rad-fem retaliation to do so.
it's becoming much the same in the U.S. i'm afraid.

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they are much closer to winning than most realise.
time is nearly up, blokes.
act while there is still a chance. because very soon..., there won't be.
i'm not being fatalistic... just stating fact.

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