Army to review decision to have male cadets wear high heels

Story here. Excerpt:

'After receiving some comments about uniforms, we are currently reviewing how local universities implemented their participation in these events designed to raise awareness on the issue of sexual assault,” Haverstick said in an e-mail.
The professor of military science at Arizona State, Maj. Michelle Bravo, said in the video that the cadets “planned and decided that they would do” the high-heel event. That’s far different than the version of events presented on Reddit.'

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The Army's rushing to try to cover up their gross misjudgments -- again. I have a word for them and it gets mentioned a lot in the Boy Scouts: Responsibility. Own your mistakes as well as your good calls.

Sounds like certain sr. brass in charge of ROTC programs could use some time in the BSA.

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So I have been thinking about these things: "these events designed to raise awareness on the issue of sexual assault"

And I am not sure exactly how I feel, so if you disagree, be gentle.

Setting aside equity issues: some things are not fair to men and other things are not fair to women -- we know that. But setting that aside...

Rape IS an issue. The fact is that despite being able to carry a gun or walk with friends or have defense training, no woman on this planet can walk alone at night, and get lost in dreams without worry the way a man can. And this is not good. Will it ever change? I do not know. But some thing can change.

Setting aside the feminist hysteria that conflates a forced kiss with violent rape, let's focus only on rape.

All men must become aware this is wrong. And I can sort of understand how some women would like ALL men to know it. The issue is how to do with without being condescending.

I can imagine some young men so filled with lust hormones, they decide "WTF: she enticed me and I need to get off."

How do we stop THAT?

All of these programs seem to be focused on "respect for women."

Let me be blunt: who gives a shit about respect?

The fact is that we live in a tough world and I resent anyone telling me, in lectures, that I MUST respect women or gays or blacks. I respect them because I WANT to respect them. I respect them because I believe in a higher being and an objective morality.

I am trying to get to this point...

Would it not be wiser just to tell these young men: "Forcing yourself sexually on another person is a against the law and will be punished with jail time."

And that's it... that's all that needs be said. Rape is illegal. And if you must, say it again and again again... but cut this condescending "respect" crap.

Can you imagine if we say:
"Do not rob from a bank because that shows disrespect"
"Do not steal that car because it is not respectful of car owners."
"Killing someone is wrong because that shows no respect to your victim."
So why do we do the same on sexual assault?

Just tell the guys: It is illegal. Tell these men again and again and again if you have to. Don't burden them with feminists inspired, condescending lectures that they must respect women in a world where many feminists do not respect men. Because once we open the door to infusing laws with morals, we enter a world where men are asked to walk in red heels.

Rape is illegal. If you do it, you will go to jail. End of story.

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" woman on this planet can walk alone at night, and get lost in dreams without worry the way a man can."

I heard this same hogwash presented at a women's studies event at UCLA as a "male privilege" item.

It's actually a very misleading lie, considering that more than 70 percent of homicides are male. If any men is not afraid to walk alone at night, he should be. Saying men are not afraid to walk alone at night presents a dangerous and misleading picture in regards to a situation wherein men should be apprehensive. :-/

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