"Soon enough, women will run the world — and it will be a better place"
Article here. Excerpt:
'The Y chromosome produces a person who is likely to be taller, more aggressive and more disease-prone than his XX counterpart, who can gestate and nourish children and has a good chance of seeing her 80th birthday. Maleness could therefore accurately be classified as a syndrome that kills off its members in droves, either directly through disease or indirectly as a result of that violent streak. In every society across the globe and at every point in history, the overwhelming majority of homicides are committed by men; women usually kill because they’re defending themselves or their children against men. Why, then, does the human species continue to cripple half its young with this defective chromosome?
In the feminine future, these traits should theoretically dwindle out of the gene pool as they no longer yield reproductive results — with the power to choose, women will select caring, committed partners over feckless brutes. But that power must first come from society and the law: Contrary to what some Republican lawmakers have claimed, women’s reproductive systems don’t shut down during rape. It remains a brutally effective and appallingly common weapon of war in the 21st century.'
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A more disgusting, sexist, and sophomoric essay showing feminism as the hate movement it is could not be written, excerpt perhaps if it repeated the actual stated "Final Solution" doctrine that feminists have failed to keep under wraps: the end game of feminism is death to all human males via attrition if not eventual murder to eliminate the last few, and the elimination of any further males via non-gamete-driven reproduction or other means.
The feminist utopia is parthogenic (enabled by genetic modification of human DNA) or cross-X chromosome reproduction with 0% chance of a male being produced, and if one is, he would certainly be murdered immediately after birth, if not aborted prior to birth once his maleness is detected. One need only read this essay in a major American newspaper to see it. But the denial is so great, the typical reader will miss it entirely.
Eggs and sperm and empowerment.
The major exception I have with the author of the article is the assumption, held by many feminists, that the empowerment of women has led to fewer wars.
The fact is that the male sacrifice has led to fewer wars and THAT has led to female empowerment. Feminists just cannot get the story right.
Feminists are so quick to take credit for women and not extend any to men. They claim THEIR work led to peace, and that if woman held more power, THEY would have led science and math. They claim that men did nothing but bad things and that women were prevented from doing good. They ignore the corollary: that with empowerment, women would have done just as bad as men.
Then they even go so far as to predict a world without men, and do so with mocking self-satisfaction. They state that we can now fuse two egg cells and sperm is not needed. Alright... let's take that in the other direction and see if they still laugh. Here we go now (and wonder if any newspaper would EVER print the following, as often as they deride sperm as irrelevant)...
Yes, the XY is devoid of paraphernalia: I like it even if it means I get sicker. (Does this imply that there IS a man-flu and that men DO get sicker?)
And I prefer the shorter life span: who want to grow old AND decrepit? Better to check out without decay.
The fact is that this world they mockingly beckon (where only one gender controls reproduction), can possibly happen (so they should get the smile off their faces), because it may not be the gender they predict.
Yes, we can now fuse to eggs to get a female baby.
We can also fuse two sperm cells. The only difference is that two egg cells can make a female only. Two sperm can make males or females. And who is to say whether female babies are kept around as incubators? These feminists should stop laughing for the more likely horror is the reverse of what they suggest.
interesting conversations going on.
what would a world look like w/o men, or w/o women for that matter? I heard a geneticist yesterday ponder as to why we humans are even here on earth at all. growing evidence suggests wild and quick advances in our evolution never seen before in any life forms. why? where from? who dunnit? the existence of an actual Adam and Eve may not be too far from the truth. then there is all the evidence for a real, world wide flood. it seems the more we dig up, the less we really understand. that's a good thing imho.
ww/om 1 yr later- aide 1: madam president, we have a problem. your limo has finally quit working...and we don't have a clue. (shows frustration)
prez: well, what does that mean? I know the planes are down and rail travel is severely restricted. what new restrictions am I looking at?
aide 1: the state of the union will have to be broadcast tomorrow over the radio from the w.h. also, we've lost the satellite feed to the west coast for now. some of the gals have hooked up a sort of telegraph line to them.
prez: ok. that sounds like a plan. make it so. what do you want (aide 2)?
aide 2: madam president, the dry cleaners can't get the blue pants suit done in time for tomorrow's address to the nation.
prez: guess that problem just took care of itself. let's call that a win/win for today. where's my electric golf cart?
........and, still, so many cannot see the very and glaringly
obvious parallel to NAZISM!
...good God, people....
if i didn't know better, i would have SWORN i was reading an excerpt from Mein Kampf!
am i wrong?
NO, i am NOT!