"Hillary Clinton hit Bill in the head with a book after Monica affair"

Article here. Excerpt:

'During the height of President Clinton’s Monica Lewinsky scandal, a White House maid entered the bedroom to clean and was shocked to find the president and first lady’s bed covered in blood.

The blood belonged to the president, who said publicly that he “hurt himself running into the bathroom door in the middle of the night.”

But the White House resident staff believed differently. As one worker told author Kate Anderson Brower, “We’re pretty sure [Hillary Clinton] clocked him with a book.”
"The couple sometimes got into pitched battles, shocking the staff with their vicious cursing, and sometimes they went through periods of stoney silence,” writes Brower.

Florist Ronn Payne recalls seeing two butlers listening through the door at a “vicious” argument in the West Sitting Hall.

“All of a sudden, he heard the first lady bellow, ‘goddamn bastard!’ at the president — and then he heard someone throw a heavy object across the room. The rumor among the staff was that she threw a lamp.”'

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Sounds like she may have "gone ballistic" in the classic sense: i.e., started throwing stuff at Bill. That'd be actual DV. But a bunch of loud, profanity-laced arguments? Distasteful but not DV, at least not to me. (Maybe to a feminist it is, but not me.)

While it's fair game to speculate she assaulted Bill, there are no witnesses for 1+ such alleged events. Bill could attest, but he's not talking. So if I'm going to assert that an accused man is to be presumed innocent of DV accusations until proven guilty, I have to give even The Hildebeast the same benefit of the doubt.

Still wouldn't vote for her if she were the only candidate on the ballot. But without at least an eyewitness to any alleged assault or a polygraph-confirmed statement from the Liar-in-Chief, Bill Clinton, I have to return a "Scottish verdict": Unproven.

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yes, well i say he should hit HER in the head with a book and see how she likes it. would serve her right.

...i recommend the book "War and Peace" as his choice of "weapon".

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