"Silicon Valley: Where Men Are Wrong and Women Are Wronged"

Article here. Excerpt:

'What I do doubt is that, with a few exceptions, women will beat men at their own game. They should be hell-bent on changing the playground, not worried about competing on the same over-trodden ground. The best woman VCs and entrepreneurs are listeners, collaborators and puzzle solvers. They bring an aesthetic and authenticity to their work. And now that the digital world is inextricably intertwined with the worlds of art, fashion, medicine, athletics, retail and more, they'll bring a holistic sensibility and a new discourse.

I'm sighing as I watch history repeating itself. Despite me joining leaning-in circles, writing for publications about women in technology, being a member of Women in CE, and taking on the personae of the woman's voice in a high tech world, not much has changed since I ran a male-dominated magazine in a male-dominated world. Men still swagger to the top; women fill the ranks of marketing and PR. It's the 2015 version of Mad Men. As digital projects become more collaborative and interdisciplinary with less of the "guy in the garage" mentality, women will bring their own stamp to technology.'

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... and is still complaining. So what's wrong with P/R work, conference-holding, etc.?

Hey, wanna be paid like Bill Gates? Then act like Bill Gates. Start a game-changing technology company and bust tail, giving up yrs of your life and many nights of sleep to make it successful. Go ahead, it's easy. After all, even a MAN can do it.

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