Good example of what feminists ought to be doing

Instead of carrying on about the evils of peeing standing up, perhaps Swedish and indeed many other feminists can take a lesson from the example set here. When feminists start taking their (supposed) mission seriously, then maybe, just maybe, others will to. Until Ms. Wallström's example becomes typical of feminists instead of atypical, they will continue to remain exactly what they have been for years: the butt of jokes, but one that must be addressed head-on. After all, some jokes or butts thereof are no laughing matter. Excerpt:

'A few weeks ago Margot Wallström [link added], the Swedish foreign minister, denounced the subjugation of women in Saudi Arabia. As the theocratic kingdom prevents women from travelling, conducting official business or marrying without the permission of male guardians, and as girls can be forced into child marriages where they are effectively raped by old men, she was telling no more than the truth. Wallström went on to condemn the Saudi courts for ordering that Raif Badawi receive ten years in prison and 1,000 lashes for setting up a website that championed secularism and free speech. These were ‘mediaeval methods’, she said, and a ‘cruel attempt to silence modern forms of expression’. And once again, who can argue with that?

The backlash followed the pattern set by Rushdie, the Danish cartoons and Hebdo. Saudi Arabia withdrew its ambassador and stopped issuing visas to Swedish businessmen. The United Arab Emirates joined it. The Organisation of Islamic Co-operation, which represents 56 Muslim-majority states, accused Sweden of failing to respect the world’s ‘rich and varied ethical standards’ — standards so rich and varied, apparently, they include the flogging of bloggers and encouragement of paedophiles. Meanwhile, the Gulf Co-operation Council condemned her ‘unaccept-able interference in the internal affairs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’, and I wouldn’t bet against anti-Swedish riots following soon.

Yet there is no ‘Wallström affair’. Outside Sweden, the western media has barely covered the story, and Sweden’s EU allies have shown no inclination whatsoever to support her. A small Scandinavian nation faces sanctions, accusations of Islamophobia and maybe worse to come, and everyone stays silent. As so often, the scandal is that there isn’t a scandal.

It is a sign of how upside-down modern politics has become that one assumes that a politician who defends freedom of speech and women’s rights in the Arab world must be some kind of muscular liberal, or neocon, or perhaps a supporter of one of Scandinavia’s new populist right-wing parties whose commitment to human rights is merely a cover for anti-Muslim hatred. But Margot Wallström is that modern rarity: a left-wing politician who goes where her principles take her.

She is foreign minister in Sweden’s weak coalition of Social Democrats and Greens, and took office promising a feminist foreign policy. She recognised Palestine in October last year — and, no, the Arab League and Organisation of Islamic Co-operation and Gulf Co-operation Council did not condemn her ‘unacceptable interference in the internal affairs of Israel’. I confess that her gesture struck me as counterproductive at the time. But after Benjamin Netanyahu ruled out a Palestinian state as he used every dirty trick he could think of to secure his re-election, she can claim with justice that history has vindicated her.'

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So I think a couple of points here need to be addressed.

1. Sweden is a messed up country, it has women only shortlists, forced 50% gender balance regardless of skills etc, you mentioned the attempt to ban urinals etc etc. They are drinking the feminist cool aid and its sent them insane in the process.

2. Taking feminist traits of attacking everyone that doesn't agree with them with insults and petty personal comments to the international stage does not work. It doesn't work anywhere else for that matter but on a stage where diplomacy is incredibly delicate and often takes years to achieve small things, its no surprise that her fooling and ignorant approach has failed so spectacularly.

If feminists are to achieve anything at all, they will have to get off their arse and actually start engaging with people like adults. If they don't no one will listen to them and the types of response this woman has received will be mirrored time and time again.

Sadly the vast majority of the feminist movement are children so I wouldn't hold your breathe for them to grow up.

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