Woman Throws Molotov Cocktail At Pro-Life Activists

Story here. Excerpt:

'A woman threw a Molotov cocktail at three pro-life volunteers who were praying in front of a Planned Parenthood facility in Austin, Texas, Monday night.

One of the three women saw the flaming cocktail coming directly at her, and was able to dodge it and stamp it out. Another woman got the woman’s license plate number, and police later arrested her.

The women were volunteering for the Central Texas Coalition for Life, whose executive director, Heather Gardner, recounted the details to The Daily Caller News Foundation. ”People will throw eggs or styrofoam cups or get verbally aggressive, but nothing violent like this happen before,” Gardner said.'

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OK, I can hear it now out there in web-land -- it's really a pro-life piece disguised as a story that shows (once again) that when it comes to doing bad, violent things, men do not have a monopoly (nor have ever had one, not even close to it).

But in fact that is all it's about. The pro-life v. pro-choice thing means zilch to me. If the protesters had been died-in-the-wool communists, fascists, Democrats, Republicans, pro-Iguana Party people, whatever, I'd've still posted it. While Vyacheslav Molotov, a Soviet politician (and a man, too!) had these kinds of "impovised explosive devices" named after him, that doesn't mean one need to have a penis nor wear a uniform to run with the idea. Further proof here.

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