Facebook's Sandberg: Men are inferior to women

Article here. Excerpt:

'It's always fun being a man in a world where the media feels free to insult the intentions and capabilities of men but that doing the same for women is forbidden. There are always excited announcements of new studies showing how women excel over men in this field or that field.

Not the latest to jump on this bandwagon is the brazen COO of Facebook, Sheryl Sandberg, who wrote the non-bestselling book Lean In, which, for the male audience, should be retitled Bend Over. Sandberg, who must have an awful lot of free time, penned an op-ed in the NY Times asserting that women are superior to men in a number of ways.

"Studies reveal that women bring new knowledge, skills and networks to the table, take fewer unnecessary risks, and are more inclined to contribute in ways that make their teams and organizations better. Successful venture-backed start-ups have more than double the median proportion of female executives of failed ones. And an analysis of the 1,500 Standard & Poor’s companies over 15 years demonstrated that, when firms pursued innovation, the more women they had in top management, the more market value they generated."

Who seriously believes that women as a whole take fewer unnecessary risks than men, or are better-skilled then men? It's ridiculous on the face of it. What's next, a "double-blind scientific study" showing that women are nicer than men?

In the past women have been held back and have been discriminated against by evil men, but it's increasingly rare in today's world. But instead of promoting the idea that everyone is equal, and to judge everyone as individuals, feminists are going overboard and promoting themselves as the superior race, like girl Nazis.'

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i must ask....
WHEN are you blokes going to stand up and DO something about this?

when you're being led to concentration camps?
when you're being led to gas chambers?
when you're being shoved into ovens and cremated alive?

...it will be too late by then.
remember i am an ex feminist. i KNOW what they have planned for you all.

NAZI GERMANY. anyone recall that?
yeah... it got started JUST like this.



what will it take to shake you men out of your complacency and your apathy???

HMMM??? WHAT????

...this is NOT a rhetorical question.


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Does anyone else find it as amusing as I do that a woman who rode the coattails of Mark Zuckerburg has the nerve to say that men are inferior? LOL, cause you're just such a stunning example of that, right, Sheryl?

I think the next time someone makes a claim that women are superior to men, I'm going ot respond with, "if that's really the case, why do feminists and gynocentrists say this at every single chance they get? Is it because if you keep lying to yourselves, you'll eventually convince yourselves it's true?"

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