Email scandal raises questions about Hillary’s feminist motives
Article here. Excerpt:
'That being said, coincidence is rarely ever the result of unrelated events. It is possible that Clinton is in fact hiding behind feminist campaigns in order to protect her own self-interests. If this is the case, it is a deplorable stunt. But even if this isn’t true, the aforementioned scandal proves Clinton’s shady character and unlawful activity. It exposes her as a hypocrite and a criminal, and I do not believe that someone with these traits should be one of the main leaders of the feminist cause. The fight for equality deserves better.
But as 2016 approaches, Clinton will continue to rally feminists in the hopes of garnering more votes. In recent speeches she has excited crowds by shouting things such as “Don’t you someday want to see a woman president?” to which she receives an abundance of applause. Of course, I too want to see a woman president. But I know when a politician is using that sentiment and manipulating it for personal causes.
Feminists cannot allow the desire for a woman leader to taint their analysis of Clinton’s character. And we cannot allow Clinton to misuse feminism as a means of reaching the Oval Office. Feminists need a leader, but they deserve a just one. My advice is that we don’t support just any proponent of a good cause but rather one who has proven his or her validity, leadership and true belief in the movement.'
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female president
i have to be honest.
as a woman, i would indeed like to see a female president here in the U.S.
but not THIS female!
nor do i want a female president to be elected simply because she IS female.
nor do i want to see a female president elected over a more qualified and valid male candidate.
the fact is... i would rather have a male president for the right reasons, than a female president for the wrong reasons, and vice-a-versa.
Hitlery Rotten Clinton would be for all the wrong reasons. ALL of them, i say!
listen, blokes. if you think there is an erosion of men's rights in this country NOW (and God knows there is...) then elect Mz. Clinton as president. 'cause, i'm guessin' ya ain't seen nuthin' yet!
if she gets in, can you even begin to FATHOM the anti-male legislations, laws and "rules" that will be past...??!!??
can you even begin to do so?