"Stop Manspreading on Planes"

Article here. Excerpt:

'The manspreading scourge is real. Men Taking Up Too Much Space on the Train offers a robust body of evidence. And some city transit departments are even fighting back. The Metropolitan Transportation Authority in New York is running a campaign encouraging men to limit their legs to a single seat. The campaign features a list of "do's" and "no's," including "Dudeā€¦ Stop the Spread, Please" in the no column with a little picture of a man who appears to be in goddess pose.
I'd love to lean over and politely ask my V-shaped seatmate to move his legs, but cooperation is hardly guaranteed. Some men think they're endowed by their creator to manspread. When Gothamist rode the New York City subway and confronted manspreading passengers, one rider said, "We have no choice to have our legs like that. You know what I mean? It's different for a woman."

Guys, maybe you don't always realize it, but sometimes you're giving your man parts more space than my entire body. One ticket, one seat. Let's remember to stop the spread.'

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Women want to discriminate against men because men have different anatomies. The problem is not manspreading. The problem is that seats are designed for women. Seats need to be larger to accommodate men's physical needs. Banning manspreading is like putting urinals in the ladies' bathroom.

Men have as much right to live and breath and ride comfortably as women. Women are not the only people in the universe.

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