NH Men's Commission Bill Passes First Step: Gets 15-1 Support Vote in House Committee

It is with a deep sense of gratitude I can report that HB 704, to renew the NH Commission on the Status of Men (CSM), passed its first test with flying colors. The CSM is due to expire in September of this year, and this bill extends it indefinitely. The bill passed the House Executive Departments and Administration Committee on Thursday with a 15-to-1 vote in favor of the bill. Not only that, but members of the ED&A Committee have expressed strong and sincere concerns that the Commission continue its work, and are likely to play an active role in promoting it further. I'd like to profusely thank everyone who sent the ED&A Committee e-mails asking them to support the bill.

Our work is not over yet, though. In order for the Commission to receive funding, its fiscal note of $60k/year must pass the House Finance Committee. I'll post details about that effort when I find out when we can expect the bill to move into that Committee.

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A great victory indeed!

I am certain you will receive the funding you seek.

Keep up the good work.

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This is fantastic news!!! Thank you for keeping us posted and for all you're doing!!! good luck!!!

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Sorry about the cliché but this is indeed very good news!

Now if only the other states would follow the example of New Hampshire and join the 21st century.

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It is still sad though, the struggle required to maintain a meager $60k in funding. I'm sure the women's commission gets 10 to 100 times that amount. Oh well, leave it to axo to find something negative in good news:)


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Do what you can to get this rolling in your own state.
oregon dad

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