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UK: The New Rape Rules Which Will Infantilise Women And Criminalise Innocent Men
Article here. Excerpt:
'It turns out that Yes sometimes means No too, particularly when a woman is judged to be too inebriated to be capable of making a conscious decision. If she’s three sheets to the wind, then the new rule is that she is not capable of consenting to get between the sheets.
Even if she has said Yes and has even undressed herself or initiated the sexual advances. Even if she at no point suggested she had changed her mind or asked the man to stop. Even if she blatantly enjoyed herself at the time.
This is patently absurd. And yet this is precisely what the DPP has announced.
Unlike any other offence, where the onus is on the prosecution to prove that the accused is guilty of a crime, this puts the responsibility squarely (if not fairly) on the shoulders of the accused to prove that he is innocent. In one fell swoop, Mrs Saunders has turned a fundamental principle of our justice system – the presumption of innocence – on its head.
Instead of requiring evidence of non-consensual sex, the CPS will now look only for the absence of evidence that there was consent. As the DPP said, she wants the police to ask suspects HOW they knew the alleged victim was saying yes, and was doing so “freely and knowingly”.'
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Are women adults?
I think that's one of the questions behind this whole issue of rape: are women adults? The answer is simple: no, they are not. They generally have the rights of adults and the responsibility of children.
So if a man and "woman" have sex, she is treated the same as a child: she has no responsibility for what happens. He alone is responsible. He must get her consent to have sex. She does not require his consent. And she does not require his consent to keep any child that must result and turn him into a father.
This is one of the fundamental problems many of us have with the feminist view of rights and responsibilities: women get the rights, men get the responsibilities.
In other words, women are not adults. They're children. At least that's the feminist view.