UK: Women-Only Engineering Scholarships Offered at University

Story here. Excerpt:

'For the second year running, Brunel University London is offering £10,000 ($15,032) a year scholarships to women in its Master of Science (MSc) engineering courses, with 30 awards on offer.

The move follows the successful introduction of Brunel University’s Women in Engineering (WiE) program in 2014, which combines bursaries and a range of other activities from matching students with professional engineers in the industry for leadership, communication and leadership skills training.
The university is also extending the Women in Engineering program to undergraduate students from 2015/16.

“We already have more than 400 female student engineers on campus and this year we are looking to scale up that number drastically,” Scoble said.'

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Funny how sexism is okay as long as women are the ones benefiting. If a college tried giving out male scholarships they'd be shut down and/or charged in the time it takes you to read this comment. Funny thing is, at most colleges and universities women outnumber men 2:1. If anything, schools should be handing out special "male only" scholarships to encourage more men to attend. But that will never happen because the female chauvinists will screech at the top of their lungs against it and they always win. Sometimes we let them win just to shut them up, but that has set a bad precedent that we are paying for today.

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