Obama Omits College Sexual Assault From State Of The Union Address

Article here. Excerpt:

'President Barack Obama didn't mention college sexual assault during his State of the Union address Tuesday, an issue his administration has highlighted.

In an address that largely focused on economic issues, Obama chose to discuss higher education issues like the cost of a college degree, his free community college plan and simplifying the process of applying for federal financial aid.

The president skipped the chance to address college sexual violence as Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) brought as her guest Columbia University senior Emma Sulkowicz, who has been outspoken in criticizing her school after she reported being raped.
The president was busy with the issue in 2014. He started the first White House task force, pressuring universities to improve their response to reports of rape, enlisting celebrities and major organizations like the NCAA to assist. His Education Department launched investigations into how colleges handle sexual violence, though much of this was driven by student activism.

"The president touched on many important issues in his address," said Annie Clark, co-founder of End Rape on Campus and a leading activist who helped focus White House attention on the topic. "However, this administration has been the most active in American history on the issue of college sexual assault, so it's disappointing Obama didn't even mention campus rape in his address."'

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ThomasI included these comments with his submission:


Bravo to Matt Campbell, to Mensactivism, to Avoice4men and other sites defending men in this time of feminist lies.

We won a battle.

Obama began this year with lies about a wage gap. He progressed to lies about rape.

And after a year of battle, we won! He did not mention either in the State of the Union address.

Even with Mattress Girl in attendance!

Gillibrand failed in her attempts to disparage our men in the military: her bill died. And when that bill failed, she turned her viciousness toward college men. And when the data proved to be lies, she dropped her statistic from her website, wrapped herself in Mattress Girl's blanket and brought her stupidity to the Capital. And STILL, Obama did not mention it. This is a significant slap in the face to Gillibrand. This is a statement that Obama is done with the feminists. This is great news!

But the war is not over. We must redouble our efforts and continue to make our opinions known in the media: keep up the comments, keep shining the light on the misandry known as feminism.

Fight for equal sentencing in crimes, fight for support for boys (just like we support girls), stop the lies about the wage gap, support men who are falsely accused, ensure due process rights for men, stop lying about the wage gap, support men's health just as we fund initiatives on women's health.

And remember: feminism is NOT equal to woman. Many women do care about, love and support men just as men have done for women.

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Thank-you Thomas, I appreciate that. I just want to stress that any victory is a team effort, and that effort came from many site operators and groups (SAVE leaps to mind, though there were many others as well). Here, the articles discussing the machinations of Gillibrand, et al., were submitted by MANN readers largely, and the many postings and columns written about the willful dissemination of false facts about sexual assaults on college campuses and the bizarre re-definitions of words like "rape" and "assault" were written by thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, of bloggers, professional columnists and media contributors. I'm just one person who drew attention to them -- just *one* out of many others. If I wasn't doing it here on MANN, it'd be someone else, but you can be sure I'd also be doing it elsewhere on some site with a different URL. :)

But these people made their own messes. By willfully disseminating lies and false stats, Obama, Gillibrand, Biden, McCaskill, etc., created the pickle they got into. They forgot, or never even learned, Sir Walter Scott's famous line about deception: once first practiced, a web of it so weaved becomes very tangled indeed. [Yeah, most people think that was from ol' Bill S., but no, this one's on Wally. ;)]

Lying is part and parcel of being a politician. In fact, I'll say it's a necessary skill. That is because each person or electoral interest group wants to hear something from you that appeals to them. Everyone has different interests and they often conflict, so to appeal to enough to secure the needed votes, lying typically becomes a necessity, or else no one would get elected and representative democracy wouldn't happen. (Then what? The alternative's a lot worse.)

In order to keep enough people happy with the politician in an elected position, he or she must say the things that will keep them happy or else eventually lose their job if not by bad outcomes than by leaving a bad impression. "Tailoring the message" is just a trussed-up way of saying "lying to the audience depending on who they are". In effect, the very phrase "tailor the message" is itself a lie, as it is deceptive to the point of misrepresentation of the reality of things. And all politicians with an electorate of any size and a modicum of public exposure by necessity must "tailor the message" or else quickly lose the popularity and/or confidence of the electorate, then the vote, then the job. the winner will be the one that lies most effectively or is just plain willing to lie. [Remember the famous "Read my lips: No new taxes" line from George HW Bush? He repeated it, in essence, at several speeches, and broke into the biggest smile I'd ever seen him wear when Michael Dukakis stated publicly he was going to support raising taxes since it was necessary to deal with the deficit and other demands on the federal budget. Bush responded by saying he would not, that his opponent had not said he wouldn't but had indeed said just the opposite but that he (Bush) was saying that he would *not* raise taxes. (Many people think POTUS himself can raise or lower taxes; it's only the Congress that can do that, not POTUS, but the Congress likes it that people think POTUS is doing it, not them, and indeed, Congress has handed a lot of discretionary extension-of-tax, retirement-of-tax authority to POTUS by various kinds of legislation -- just as with its war-making powers. Ugh, this is how ancient Rome got into the mess it did, too.) Most political analysts say that was the critical factor that put Bush over the edge to win the presidency.]

So, that explains the "why", but not the "what". "What" is winning, plain and simple, and lying is the means to this end.

All this established and accepted by the hard-nosed people that Americans have become, at least where politics is concerned, my opinion is that we expect our pols to lie to us on most matters and to have the good sense to back-pedal when caught lying. If they lack that common sense, we then ask ourselves, "What else do they lack common sense about? Basic finance? Bad enough the ones with an apparent lack of it for finance, so how out of touch with reality is {Stubborn_Obvious_Liar's_Name_Here} who lacks the sense to know when to say 'Sorry, my people, I had bad information, I have since corrected those who gave it to me and vow not err again. Please, forgive me.'?"

That'd be Gillibrand, Obama, McCaskill, Biden, etc., and as far as POTUS and VPOTUS go, it's not just the bogus rape crisis stats and support for campus rape hysteria they're still on the bandwagon for, it's all manner of other failed and/or controversial policies. And I don't think Obama's lack of paying homage to Gillibrand's out-of-town guest shows he's unpaired from the feminists -- not at all -- he just heeded the urgent advice of his minders to just plain not go there last night. But make no mistake, the next chance he or the others can find to vilify males in hopes, realistic or not, of scoring brownie points with even an extra 1% of the electorate, they'll hop on it. Political opportunists take opportunities anytime and every time they can. One thing about this crowd is that being correct isn't what they are about; it's about getting elected to be powerful and to live well. Not much different from many other eras of the past, only the scapegoat group du jour to beat with a stick just happens to be half the human population.

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A quote from Emma: "No one knew who I was."

Geez, what a F'ing ego! I predict another month and she explodes. And then blame Jean-Paul for a retroactive rape.


Men: we are rising...

I am really happy today.

I think while this was a small step, it was a result of all of us.

Matt is right: Obama can easily take it back.

The fight goes on.

But today we can rest...

Oh! Wait... stop.... just heard of a potential false rape accusation emerging at Duke. Seems they suspended the frat, already finding them guilty without a trial:


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