Canada: False rape allegation sparks violence

Story here. Excerpt:

'A man who stormed into a bonfire party with a handgun, believing his girlfriend had been raped by the men there, came out of the whole mess the worst for wear.

Janos Papp, 57, ended up being viciously beaten by the men at the party - who had not raped his girlfriend, it turned out. She had made the story up after her ATV broke down and she was angry the men at the party were too incompetent to help her.
When they reached the Lac La Plonge dam, they found a group of people in their 20s drinking and celebrating a birthday. After a short visit, they left, but Papp's girlfriend had to stay behind because of a problem with her ATV. Two men from the bonfire party tried to help her.

"It seems that Mr. Papp's girlfriend became so annoyed with what she perceived to be the incompetence of her helpers that when she finally returned to Mr. Papp's cabin, she blamed her delay on the young men," Martinez wrote. "Incredibly, she falsely accused them of various transgressions, including telling a very drunk Mr. Papp that they had raped her."

Papp took a loaded handgun and headed back to the dam, driving his ATV into two of the men when he arrived. After Papp's ATV tipped over, one man hit Papp on the back of the head with a log. The group of men then swarmed him, "laying a vicious beating" on him.
Papp's relationship with his girlfriend ended immediately after. The Crown argued for an 18-month jail sentence while the defence argued Papp should serve his sentence in the community. Martinez decided a conditional sentence order of 18 months was appropriate.'

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Agreed he shouldn't've been such a tool. Women who've been raped typically don't look like a still-dressed and physically unbruised, but incensed woman lacking cuts on her face, etc. So he wasn't too bright. But what about the gf? At the least, she slandered those two guys, and at most attempted to murder them by telling her bf something she could be reasonably sure his drunk, gun-totin' a$$ would go gunning for them.

And talk abt an entitlement 'tude. It's like a slave-owner deciding to kill a slave since they seem to be too much trouble to keep around for whatever reason.

Don't date her, boy.

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I wish the article would specify the name of the false accuser. You know, so men in this country know who to stay the hell away from.

Why is it common to plaster a man's name all over the media when he's merely been accused of something, but a rarity to see the name of a woman who is clearly guilty of defamation, and the type which could have easily escalated into murder by proxy? I think we all know the answer to that already.

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Of course the answer is: Men are guilty even when proven innocent, women innocent even when proven guilty. After all, why should an innocent woman be named and shamed just because a man is "also" innocent, even though we all know that really, he's guilty.

There, makes perfect sense!

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